Noone Else on Earth Read online

Page 21

“With what? He was naked.”

  “All he needed to kill you was to take one of his razor sharp fingernails and slit your throat.” He laughed humorlessly. “Then he would have jetted out a stream of his semen and disintegrated my body.”

  “He can ... can do that?”

  He nodded. “If he wants to. That’s why he used special condoms to contain his ejaculations.”

  “I think I may just faint again.”

  Mike hugged her. “Let’s get dressed instead and get out of here.”

  Julie nodded. “Let’s get his stuff from the motel and tomorrow I can check him out.” She shook her head. “It’s weird. Of all the entry pictures I looked at the only two that had an effect on me were yours and his.” She grinned. “I called him the Sun God.”

  “Oh? And did you give me a name?”

  “Dark and Dangerous.” She laughed. “I had you pegged right!”

  “Well, the danger’s past. Tzahyad’s caught. There are a couple of loose ends left to tie. I just need to contact my boss and give him my report.”

  Julie looked at Mike. Her hazel eyes dull with ill-concealed concern. “And then what?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Julie gathered up Tzahyad’s clothes while Mike went upstairs to check that nothing of Tzahyad’s had been left in the dressing room.

  After Mike maneuvered his bike into the back of the SUV, he moved to the front seat while Julie drove. The few streetlights stood like eerie sentries along the road. Staring out the passenger window, he appeared silent and distracted.

  Every now and then Julie would glance over his way, wondering what he was thinking, but afraid to ask.

  Was he trying to think of an easy way to let her down? He’d said that he wanted to be with her, but how? She believed him when he told her what and who he was so how could they be together? Where would they live? His world? Her world? She had the insane urge to sing “Far from the Home I Love” from Fiddler on the Roof.

  “I’ll retire.”


  Mike turned to her, a determined look on his face. “I’ve finished my last assignment; captured my last predator. I’m done.”

  Julie pulled the car over to the side of the road and shut off the ignition. “Can you just do that?”

  He gritted his teeth. “I’m damned well going to. I’ve put in my fifty years. There’s no regulation that says I have to stick around for another fifty! I’ve had one partner wounded so badly in the line of duty, he had to take early retirement to a care facility. I had another partner lose her life -- shit, I had to kill her. I’m not going to be one of those career-driven tracers that finally presses a laser to the brain to put himself out of his misery or turns into a VR addict dying of starvation because he’s too lost in a fantasy world to remember to eat.”

  He gripped Julie’s hand so hard it hurt. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me. If I take you back with me to my home world, you’ll wind up a grass widow; either waiting for me to come home at the end of an assignment and never knowing when I’ll return or if I’ll return, or you’ll be a real widow when some predator kills me.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “I’m too selfish to return without you.” He took a deep breath. “When I give my report, I’m handing in my resignation, too.”

  Julie stared at Mike’s determined face. He was willing to give up his career and his world for her. How could she ask it of him?

  “Are you sure this is what you want? To leave your world and your life’s work for ... me?”

  “Can you live in a world where the norm for beauty are slat-thin women who do nothing all day but cater to their mates? They have no desire to do anything else. It’s in their genes. Marta came from another world; there are no female agents from my world. We were paired when it seemed like a feminine lure might make it easier to capture Tzahyad. Esperience neither knew nor would have cared if they did know that she was a lesbian. She was a good agent.” He smiled. “I wouldn’t ask you to give up your life, your dreams and ambitions for a life like my mother has lived since she mated with my father.” He cupped her chin and smiled. “It’s a lot easier for me to stay here. Besides, I’ll be able to visit my parents occasionally. I won’t be totally cut off.”

  Julie rubbed her cheek against his hand. “I can’t believe you’d do this for me.”

  “Why not? Aren’t you worth it? Besides, I’m doing it for me.”

  She shook her head. “For us.”

  Mike drew her to him and kissed her with a tenderness that touched her soul. Who would have thought that she would find a love as strong as this?

  “Let’s continue to the motel. I’ll collect my gear and bring it to your house. It wouldn’t make sense for me to stay there. I’ll drop out of the contest.”

  “Oh, no you won’t!”

  “What? I’m damned if I’m going to stay away from you now that there’s no reason to pretend we’re not lovers! And there’s no way I’m going to strut before a room of drooling females now that I don’t have to!”

  Julie laughed. “Didn’t you know you and Tzahyad were the hits of the show? That Phantom of the Opera routine you do and that cowboy act are the most popular ones. With Tzahyad gone, that statue bit he did is gone, too and it was incredible. If you drop out, I’ll be down two contestants and that may impact the business.” She grinned smugly. “Besides, it’s a real turn-on to think that I’ve got you and all those women can only fantasize about you!”

  He shook his head. “I won’t compete, but I’ll be one of your first Bad Boys. Deal?”

  “How about you do your routines anyway?”

  “Only if you strip for me each night.”


  It took only a moment to collect Tzahyad’s gear from the motel. A few articles of clothing, toothbrush and an enormous bag made of some supple material that Mike assured Julie was not leather.

  He took a small device that reminded her of a Taser that she’d seen on CSI and slit open the bag. Inside were small, square, flat packets containing, Mike said, the special condoms Tzahyad used. There must have been thousands of them.

  “My God, Tzahyad gives the term ‘safe sex’ a whole new meaning.”

  Mike nodded grimly. “He used them to protect himself. A sudden upsurge of horribly mutilated bodies in his vicinity would have made feeding more difficult for him. And that’s one thing that Tzahyad didn’t want to worry about.” He took the device, adjusted it and resealed the slit. He looked around the room. “There’s nothing left. Let’s clear out my room and get to your house. The sooner I report in the better.”

  Mike’s room was even sparser than Tzahyad’s. Julie watched as he stood on a chair and unscrewed the grill covering the air conditioning vent and took out a small shaving kit. He quickly replaced the cover, then jumped down.

  “All my equipment is in this case. Esperience specializes in compact technology.”

  “What about transportation? Did you come here the same way Tzahyad did?”

  Mike shook his head. “Not quite. I transported here from another dimension with a device similar to the one with which I tagged Tzahyad. He’s from your dimension, just a different galaxy. He probably had his vehicle nearby and used a shielding device to prevent its being found.” His tone was filled with amusement. “We’ll leave finding it for the techy guys.” He gave the place one more look around, then nodded with satisfaction. “Nothing left here. Let’s go.”

  * * * * *

  They arrived at Julie’s house and Mike unloaded the bike, putting it inside Julie’s half-empty storage shed. She was in the house turning on lights when he entered.

  “It’s late, darlin’. Don’t you think you should try to get some sleep?”

  She swiveled around from flicking on the lamp by the couch. “What time is it?” She glanced at her watch and her eyes widened. “It’s only two-thirty. I can’t believe it all happened so fast.” Without warning, she collapsed on
to the couch as though she’d been hit in the stomach. “Mike? We were almost killed tonight!”

  He moved next to her and pulled her onto his lap. “I’m here, amitee.” He pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. “It just really hit you, huh? The first time I got in a close encounter with a predator I puked up my guts after I lazed him, used a laser gun, that is. That predator’s specialty was poison. Undetectable in his victim, but after the predator used it, his fingers would smell. He wore gloves each time then removed them. I caught up with him right after he’d done his job and before he had a chance to ditch the gloves. He stunk so badly there was no way he hadn’t killed his target. He ran and I gave chase. When he was cornered he got ready to use a poison dart gun. I shot him and he dissolved into a disgusting mass of alien green guts. I threw up.”

  Julie looked at him with disbelief. “You made that up ... right?”

  “Do you feel nauseous anymore?”


  “Then I made it up.” He hugged her, relieved she couldn’t see his eyes or she’d realize he’d shared a true story.

  “Amitee, why don’t you take a shower while I report in.” His seductive smile melted her bones. “If you take a nice, long, hot one and wash your hair, maybe I’ll be able to join you.”

  She sprang from his lap. “Good idea.” She leaned down and whispered in his ear. “I think I’ll take a bath after I wash my hair. It’ll be even more fun.” She dipped her tongue in his ear and then quickly left the room.

  For a few seconds Mike stared after her. A slow grin spread over his face and he laughed.

  Then he thought of what he was going to have to say to the Omega, his boss.

  Opening his kit, he drew out his communicator and tuned in his secure channel. He set it for audio, not feeling like trying to type in everything he needed to say. The metallic voice of his boss sounded eerie in Julie’s everyday normal living room.

  Congratulations, Mike. Tzahyad is in custody. Have you the Enhancer? He didn’t seem to have it on him when he arrived ... naked.

  I have it. Can I adjust the homing device and send it to you?

  And why won’t you be joining it, may I ask?

  Mike took a deep breath. I’m staying. I’m handing in my resignation. I want out.

  And may I ask why you wish to leave us?

  I’m tired of chasing bad guys, of losing partners.

  And is that the only reason?

  Mike practiced self-control. I’ve fallen in love. In fact, I’ve bonded. His voice held a note of defiance.

  Oh? The female native you had sex with the other day? Why not take her with you if you insist on honoring your bond?

  Because if it came down to her living unhappily on my world, or me staying here with her where she’ll be happy, there is no choice.

  The tinny voice grew steely and ominous. You know we can compel you to return.

  And what good would I be at my job? Don’t you think I’d get careless and fuck up and get killed? Or let a predator get away?

  You have a point. The voice changed and became coaxing. Could we say semi-retirement? If we feel you’re the only man for the job, could we call you in? What do you say?

  “Yeah, Mike, what do you say?”

  Mike almost fell off the couch at the sound of Julie’s voice. She stood at the door leading to her room. She wore a robe and her hair was down, but she didn’t look the slightest bit wet.

  She hadn’t gone to wash up.

  He motioned her over and linked his hand with hers when she sat next to him.

  Mike? Are you still there? What’s your answer?

  Get yourself a new tracer. I’ve found something more powerful than the rush of chasing after predators.



  A watery chuckle trickled over the open channel. Allow me to congratulate you, Ms. Turner. Tzahyad was, shall we say, extremely vocal and descriptive referring to you. You must be something special for one of my top tracers to give up a promising career. Perhaps we’ll meet one day.

  Her muttered, “Not if I can help it,” was too quiet to be heard.

  Give me the rest of the details, Mike, then you can go and continue celebrating as I assume you’re doing. Were there any civilian losses?

  We don’t know for sure, but there may have been one suicide. I think we got Tzahyad before he became too comfortable in the area.

  Excellent! Why don’t you transmit your full report later? At the end it seems his capture was rather anticlimactic. May your bond last forever.

  An audible click ended the transmission and Mike set down the device.

  “I thought about it and I’m marrying you and pulling out of the contest. Don’t give me any argument.”

  “We’re marrying and you’ll pull out of the contest, but you’ll strip on the weekends.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “We’re getting married, I’ll strip on Saturday night and I’m going to look for a job.”

  “Deal! I don’t want to support a deadbeat husband. What will you do?”

  A sheepish grin passed over his face. “Well, I heard that there was a need for state troopers. Maybe I’ll find out what I have to do to become one. After chasing after guys like Tzahyad, handing out speeding tickets should be a breeze.”

  Julie hit him with a throw pillow. “You can take the man out of the cops, but you can’t take the cops out of the man.” She sighed. “You wouldn’t be happy just taking off your clothes at Real Bad Boys, would you?” It was more of a statement than a question.

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry, amitee, but stopping drivers for broken taillights has got to be easier and safer than going after Tzahyad. Do you agree?”

  She nodded with a show of great reluctance. “Can you get all the documents you’ll need? Social Security number, school records, stuff like that?”

  He nodded. “I can call in some favors. None of the bogus records will be discernable. But I’ll hold off for a while until after the contest. Don’t worry; I’ll strip this weekend ... right after we make an announcement about our engagement.”

  “Is that your final offer?”

  He nodded.

  “You’ve got a deal.”


  Five o’clock, Tuesday night. The doors hadn’t opened yet at Real Bad Boys, but all the girls were there. Gary was behind the bar and Tony had volunteered to help set up the tables. Now that he and Patty had found each other, they couldn’t bear to be apart for too long.

  Julie had just informed them of Josh’s dropping out of the contest and leaving for an audition for an acting job and the girls were still discussing it.

  Julie cleared her throat and the girls hushed their chatter.

  “I’d like to make an announcement.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “I’m engaged.”


  “To whom?”

  “When did this happen?” Tory giggled. “It’s déjà vu all over again!”

  Julie motioned with her hand and Mike stepped off the stage where he had been standing with some of the competitors and walked over to the table.

  “Mike and I. We fell in love almost from the first time we met. Right, darling?” She looked up at him.

  “Right.” He offered the girls a smile full of charm. “I swept her off her feet.”

  Connie eyed Mike with suspicion. “You don’t know anything about this guy. Sorry, Mike, but after what I just went through, I can only suggest a very, very long engagement.”

  Patty agreed. “You just met. How can you be sure you’re compatible?”

  Julie looked up at Mike and grinned. “We’re compatible, all right. And it’s going to be a short engagement.”

  The girls shook their heads in resignation. Tory tried one last time to make Julie change her mind. “I thought you’d fallen in love with his picture when we first got them, but you can’t fall in love with a picture.”

  Now it was Julie’s turn to agree. “Talking about p
ictures, I hear you’ve done the same thing. Maybe you need to see the real thing, too.”

  Someone cleared his voice behind her. Tory turned. “Rick? You’re not supposed to be here!”

  “Some greeting! I caught an earlier plane.” He laughed. “I couldn’t wait to see the real thing. You’re right, ladies. It’s much better than a picture.”

  With a show of machismo that was somehow appealing, he lifted Tory from her seat and embraced her.

  They kissed against the sounds of loud whistles, foot stamping and applause coming from some of the Bad Boys gathered on stage and cheers from the other BBGs.

  Julie held Mike’s hand and smiled. “Seems I was right. All I needed was a real, good man.”

  Mike’s voice held a tinge of humor. “Or a real bad boy.”

  “Close enough.”