Noone Else on Earth Read online

Page 20

Laughter erupted.

  “Okay, okay, maybe I’m wrong. You’re looking for dates?”

  More laughter.

  “Then, I guess we’re all here looking for some Real ... Bad ... Boys!”

  The music cued and Tory’s voice came over the loud speaker. Julie hoped that if Tory ever found out she’d made her voice sound scratchy, she’d forgive her.

  No one cared. They were calling out too loudly as the men strutted onto the stage to take a turn before the competition formally began.

  Julie watched each contestant with intensity trying somehow to discern which one was Tzahyad.

  She couldn’t.

  The only time she let herself enjoy herself freely was during Mike’s acts. Meanwhile, every so often, she’d restart the CD player. Occasionally she’d manipulate the controls just a bit to create a slight distortion. Nothing was severe enough to disturb the performances and the audience was even more enthusiastic tonight.

  The kitchen was hopping. The special guacamole dip her father had made earlier was gone by nine o’clock. She almost wished she hadn’t sent him home after lunch.

  Finally, the last performer made his bow and she cued up Tim McGraw’s raunchy Country Western song. The men took their final sashay across the stage and the stage lights went down.

  The spotlight came on and Julie came forward.

  “Well, ladies and gentlemen, that’s our show for tonight. Now, remember, this week you’ll be able to see all twelve of the contestants. There are five slots open. Your votes may keep your favorite here after this coming Saturday. Please remember to fill in your voting cards and leave them with our lovely hostesses. We hope you’ll tell your friends about the show. Remember, each day they can win free admission to the club by tuning in to WKTY. Every time you hear Tim McGraw sing about Real Bad Boys, call into the station. The tenth caller will win a ticket for free admission for one night this week and their name will be part of a drawing at the end of the week to have their picture taken with all the bad boys in the contest. Thanks for coming, and please, stay awhile and visit with our own real bad boys!”

  Though the show was over, the crowd stayed on for another hour as the men joined the customers at the tables with their matching numbers.

  Finally, the night was over. The last of the women was shooed from the ladies’ room and the man who was hiding in the men’s room was escorted to the door.

  Patty and Tory totaled up the votes, Connie and Gary totaled the bar tab and straightened up behind the bar and Julie took care of adding up the food. Tony rolled up his sleeves and helped with the cleanup.

  With a sigh of relief, Julie threw down her pen, stretched her arms up over her head and yawned. “Tell me, whose brilliant idea was this thing?”

  Patty looked up from entering the last vote and smiled brightly. “Yours.”

  Trying to get the kinks out, Tory twisted her neck in a circle. “To be fair, we all thought it was a good idea.”

  Connie and Gary walked over holding hands with the tabulation from the bar. “Are you having second thoughts, Julie? I thought we were doing pretty good.”

  “What’s the bar count?” As Connie read off the figures, the girls applauded and Tony scooped Patty up, swinging her around enthusiastically. Julie announced the restaurant numbers and everyone went nuts.

  Julie smiled. “Well, since it was a whopping success I guess I’ll take credit for the idea!”

  Mixed catcalls and cheers greeted her teasing words as Julie raised her hand for silence. “I can’t believe how great things are going. We’ve made almost as much today as we made on Saturday!”

  “Well, I’m damn glad, boss.” Gary said. “’Cause I’m tired as hell and now we can go home and get a good night’s sleep.”

  “Look, guys, you all go home. I’m going to fiddle for a while with the sound system.”

  “Patty and I’ll stick around, Julie,” Tony offered. “You shouldn’t be alone this late.”

  “Look, I’ll only stay an hour. If I can’t coax the darn thing to work, I’ll try again tomorrow. But you know I won’t get any sleep thinking about it.”

  Patty put a restraining hand on Tony’s arm. “Believe her, Tony. Better let her get it out of her system.”

  “Promise you won’t stay more than an hour.” Tony’s voice brooked no argument.

  “Better say yes, boss, or I’ll come back, toss you over my shoulder and drive you home myself!”

  “Okay, okay!” Julie laughed. “One hour, that’s all!”

  The women hugged her while the men looked on smiling indulgently.

  Soon, the place was eerily silent. Julie took a deep breath and stood.

  Show time.

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad listened from the stage as Julie’s friends left the club. He’d departed earlier with some of the contestants and returned, hiding until they’d gone. He waited still, watching as the buxom female hauled out a ladder and set it up on the stage. She carried out a toolbox, set it down by the ladder and bent over rummaging through the contents.

  Her succulent ass waved back and forth like a toreador’s red cape goading him like a bull. She picked up a screwdriver and put a sneakered foot on the ladder’s bottom rung. Her slacks tightened around her slim leg.

  He wanted to fuck her and drain her dry.

  But not yet.

  First, he’d have to get her to reveal her secret lover.

  It should be easy ... and very, very enjoyable.

  He stepped onto the stage.

  * * * * *

  Mike opened the outside door leading to the upstairs apartment and the stage. He had hovered nearby until he saw the last of Julie’s friends leave. With his shielding device activated, he walked inside sight unseen as they walked out.

  He stood in the shadows, clenching his fists, waiting for his prey to reveal himself.

  * * * * *

  “Miss Julie, may I help?”

  Julie jumped and turned around recognizing the voice, stumbling as she dropped her foot from the ladder.

  The Sun God stood on the stage, a wrench held loosely in his hand, a smile on his face and danger in his eyes.

  “Josh? I didn’t hear you come in. Why are you here so late?” Julie hoped her voice didn’t sound as shaky as she felt. Insanely, her first thought was that she was glad it wasn’t Beau.

  He grinned the all-American dimpled smile that Ted Bundy might have worn as he finished off another co-ed. “Well, truth to tell, I fell asleep in the upstairs bedroom. I guess the other guys went out to celebrate. I heard someone moving around downstairs and came down to investigate. And found you.”

  He moved closer, dropping the wrench which thudded on the platform. His arms imprisoned her as he held onto the ladder’s sides.

  She took in his muscled arms revealed by his tight white t-shirt, his harsh, excited breathing, his erection straining behind the zipper of his worn denims. A thin, gold-colored chain hung around his neck, an elaborate medallion dangling from the end.

  Could that be the device Mike sought?

  “Why so silent, Julie?” He thrust his pelvis forward so that the bulge behind his pants brushed her belly.

  She jumped.

  “Don’t be afraid, baby.” He spread his legs so that her entire body was surrounded. He gripped her hands that clung to the ladder and squeezed. “Why don’t we take advantage of the situation and ...” He dipped his head down and licked the valley of skin displayed by her blouse’s V-neck, then blew gently across her flesh.

  She shuddered, not sure if it was from fear or fascination. She wanted to cringe away from him, but remembered Mike’s directions.

  Be bold. Distract him.

  Seduce him.

  She moaned. “Oh, Josh, yes. I’ve wanted this since I saw your picture.” She licked her lips, her mouth slightly open in invitation. “Kiss me.”

  He took her mouth like a plundering pirate. His tongue tangled with hers and he nipped her mouth, drawing a bead of blood. He licked
it from her lips like a cat laps cream.

  She tried pretending it was Mike devouring her with his kisses and it helped. Then she thought of Regency novels and the women closing their eyes and thinking of England and she almost laughed.

  She was getting hysterical.

  She tried to recapture the feelings she had when she first saw Tzahyad’s picture.

  That helped.

  A lot.

  She gently pushed him away, then pulled her shirt over her head, standing before him in a flimsy black bra that did nothing to shield her tightened nipples. Thank God he didn’t know how much of that was due to fear.

  “Now you.”

  He smiled and that damned dimple peeked out again. He drew off his t-shirt and put his hands on the button at the waist of his jeans. “Should I?”

  She shook her head. “Ladies first.” And shimmied out of her slacks. A matching black thong did little to conceal the black hair between her thighs. She reached behind and pulled off the ponytail clasp, freeing her hair, then flipped it so it flowed over one full breast.

  Tzahyad hissed.

  Julie exulted.

  And, watching from the shadows, Mike cursed and bit his tongue.

  Tzahyad leered. “So, baby, you’re a bit bolder than I thought. But then, you’d have to be to have broken one of your own rules.”


  “You know, no dating the contestants.”

  “Oh? I haven’t dated anyone.”

  He sighed. “Shall I be more precise? Screwing the contestants.”

  Gathering up all her courage, she sauntered over to Tzahyad and brushed her hand across his restrained cock. “I never screw anyone.” She cupped him and squeezed. “I fuck them.”

  He grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth, running his lips across her knuckles. “So, who was it you fucked?”

  Wrenching her hand away, she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, joining her blouse and slacks. She threw back her hair displaying her firm breasts and cupped them while Tzahyad’s gaze fixated on them. “Why do you want to know? Jealous? If you ask me nicely, maybe I’ll tell you.” Her hands drifted down to her hips to the thin waistband of her thong. “Maybe I’ll take off my thong.”

  “Maybe if you tell me, I’ll give you the best fuck you’ve ever had in your life.” He moved back to her, took one hand and placed it on his chest on top of the medallion. “The best fuck you’ve ever dreamt of.” He stared into her eyes, his gaze narrowed then widened. “Why, Julie Turner, you are a greedy little bitch -- two men! Sorry, I can’t split myself in two, but ...”

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Julie and Tzahyad turned, startled, toward the voice issuing from the stage entrance.

  Mike strode into the light, joining them. “Is he bothering you, Julie?”

  Tzahyad snarled, his control almost slipping. “Does it look like I’m bothering her? And what the fuck are you doing here? I thought the place was empty.”

  Placing her hand on Tzahyad’s shoulder, she pressed her body against his as though trying to shield herself from Mike’s gaze. “What are you doing here, Mike?”

  “I forgot part of my costume. One of the guys rooming upstairs gave me his key and I came and got it. Then I saw the light from the open door and came to check it out.” He laughed harshly. “Guess everything’s okay, so I’ll leave.”

  He turned as though to go when Tzahyad spoke. “Wait. How would you like to fulfill one of your wildest dreams?”

  Mike turned slowly. “And that is?”

  “Making love to a beautiful woman.” Tzahyad cupped his erection, still hidden behind his zipper. “While another man takes her at the same time. Interested?”

  Mike strolled over to Julie and fondled one naked breast. She moaned.

  “Right here and now?”

  “What could be better? There’s no one else around. We can be as ... inventive as we like.” He groped her other succulent tit and pinched her nipple. She whimpered. “The bitch is willing. Right?”

  Julie thrust against their hands, her nipples hard points. “Right.” She took their hands from her aching flesh and stepped back.

  “You have too many clothes on, Mike. Strip.” She let loose a throaty chuckle. “You should be an expert. Get rid of your jeans, Josh, and let me tell you how I want you guys to give it to me.”

  The two men kicked off their shoes and ripped off their denims. Both had gone commando. Their pricks were hard and long, waiting to impale her.

  Julie caught her breath. It was just like her dream, but with one big twist.

  One of these males was a ruthless predator and one was the love of her life.

  She pointed to Tzahyad. “Kneel in front of me. You, get behind. Let me see how good you guys are.”

  Tzahyad bowed. “Your wish is my command.” He knelt before her, head lowered.

  Mike drew behind her, his lips placing a trail of kisses along her neck. His arms embraced her and his cock pressed against her backside.

  “Touch my breasts, Mike. Josh, my ass wants to feel your hands and my pussy ... my pussy wants you to tongue fuck me. Now.”

  Tzahyad raised his head for a moment, a gleam of admiration shining within his gaze, then thrust deep between her nether lips with his tongue.

  At the same time, Mike impaled her with his penis and began to move.

  Julie lost herself to the incredible sensation of being taken front and back simultaneously. She forgot who was fondling her breasts and who was kneading her ass. All she could react to was the most erotic sensation of her life.

  Reality beat the hell out of dreams!

  She undulated within Mike and Tzahyad’s embrace. Panting, near fainting, she tangled her hands in Tzahyad’s blond curls, pressing his face against her pussy.

  Mike’s lips were at her neck, his warm breath whispering against her skin. No, he was whispering against her skin.

  “Now. Now. Now.”

  And she bent her head to look at the vicious seducer who knelt before her.

  Around his neck lay the thin, gold-colored chain and glowing at his nape was the clasp.

  Was the clasp the enhancing device? She stretched out her hand and with a display of strength she didn’t know she owned, she ripped off the chain and Tzahyad tumbled.

  Off balance, she staggered back against Mike whose cock slipped from her body.

  “Amitee, catch!” And she flung the chain toward him and he caught it on the fly, palming it in his hand.

  Tzahyad scrambled from his backward fall to the floor to a crouched position. His arm snaked out and he grabbed Julie, straightening up with her clamped like a vise in his arms.

  “Tracer!” He spat out the word as though it were poison. “Give me the Enhancer or I’ll rip your little whore apart!”

  Now that he had no more reason to maintain his humanoid form, Tzahyad morphed into his true shape. The naked arm around Julie turned a grayish green like crumpled old dollar bills and the skin pebbled. His fingers grew thicker and she felt his wide, pointed, naked prick nudging her buttocks. She took a deep, shuddering breath.

  “Don’t do it, amitee! He’ll kill me anyway and escape with the Enhancer!”

  “Bastard! Let her go. She can’t harm you. Do it and I’ll give you whatever the fuck you want!”

  “She’s more realistic than you, Tracer. She knows I’m going to kill her anyway. You can make it easy or difficult. Which is it to be?”

  Mike froze as though paralyzed by indecision.

  “Maybe I can make the choice simpler for you. Give me the Enhancer now and I’ll break her neck. Make me come and get it and I’ll fuck her to death.” He squeezed her nipple, twisting it until she cried out in pain. “Have you ever seen someone disintegrate from within?”

  “Yes, you fucking bastard and held her in my arms while she writhed in agony until she begged me to kill her!”

  A puzzled look crossed Tzahyad’s alien features. His sharp nostrils flared and his arche
d brows flew upward as recognition dawned.

  “That woman-loving bitch?” His lips drew back in a contorted version of a smile. “It was my pleasure to fuck her to death. I’m only sorry I wasn’t there to watch her die.”

  With a cry of rage, Mike threw the medallion at Tzahyad. As it flew off to the side, Tzahyad lunged to catch it, his hold on Julie loosening.

  “Move away!”

  Instinctively, she followed Mike’s command, wrenching in the opposite direction from Tzahyad’s leap. He caught the medallion in one hand, smiling exultantly.

  A second later, he was gone.

  * * * * *

  Julie lay crumpled on the floor. Mike rushed over to her, kneeled and held her in his arms. Her head fell back and her midnight, black hair flowed over his arms.

  “Julie, amitee, wake up. I know you’re all right. You have to be.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled. “I fainted. Can you believe it? After everything that happened, I fainted?” She frowned. “What the hell did happen? You gave him the Enhancer, I saw you throw it to him and then he ... disappeared?”

  Mike shook his head. “You only thought you saw me do it. I had the shielding device in my palm and stuck it on the medallion. I’d adjusted it before I got on stage to transport anyone of Tzahyad’s kind to the prison coordinates; another triumph of the laboratory geeks. I pulled the Enhancer from the chain as soon as I caught it from you. When Tzahyad demanded it, everything was in place. I knew he’d have to try to catch the heavier medallion.” He grinned. “I’ll have to congratulate the guys. It worked perfectly, thank the Creator.”

  “How did you know for sure it was him?”

  “When I saw the medallion. There’s only one of its kind anywhere.”

  “But how did Tzahyad know you were a tracer?”

  “As soon as you called me amitee.”

  Julie laughed shakily. “I almost lost it when you hesitated.”

  “I was just gauging how close I could throw it without him missing it. It’s a damn good thing Tzahyad was a good catch!”

  Julie started to laugh, an edge of hysteria in her voice. “I can just see him scrambling on the barroom floor looking for it.”

  “He would have killed us first, then looked for it.”