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Noone Else on Earth Page 9

  God, how she loved him.

  She almost felt grateful to Bill. If he hadn’t stepped over the line, she’d probably have remained in their loveless relationship, enduring in silence his verbal abuse. Never knowing that Gary loved her. Yeah, she was almost grateful, but not quite.

  * * * * *

  Mike kept watch at Julie’s door until she emerged.

  She looked gorgeous. Her gold-sequined blouse fell in folds across her full bosom. Her slim, black satin pants hugged every generous curve. She wore three-inch heels and her hair hung long and loose down her back.

  He hardened instantly.

  He ached. He burned. He wanted nothing more than to peel off her pretty clothes and fuck her again like he’d fucked her before.

  He took a deep breath, then another one. Fighting for control, he tamed his eager prick and focused his attention on his fellow contestants, keeping them in his sight and praying that Tzahyad would bide his time before he confronted Julie.

  Chapter Seven

  “Are you ready, ladies?”

  The resounding affirmative shout shook the roof of Real Bad Boys. Julie could only grin like a demented fool. The women in the audience listened attentively as she went over the contest rules, cheering when they heard about an additional door prize drawn at the end of the contest that would give some lucky female free admission for a year to the Friday and Saturday night shows. She could hear the women at the back tables cheer even more loudly to find out that they would have the opportunity to flirt with the eliminated contestants each night.

  The tables down in front buzzed with additional pleasure when they learned that one of the contestants would be sitting with them during the show.

  “And now, ladies, why are we here tonight? Why, we’re just real good girls looking for a real, bad boy!”

  At Julie’s cue, Connie started Tory’s song and the men came onto the stage one by one, strutting, sashaying, gliding, and swaying. The women greeted their arrival with wolf whistles, hoots, and foot-stomping. The lucky ones in front nearly swooned as some of the men bent down and threw kisses.

  At last the stage cleared and the women subsided to a low murmur of anticipation.

  “In case you’re wondering why that great voice sounded familiar, it’s our own WKTY commentator, Tory Johnson, singing an original composition.” She stopped to allow the applause to die down, then continued. “Well, there they are, ladies. Which ones will be our real bad boys and who will be the real good man to lead them?” She paused. “Perhaps, number one? Let’s hear it for him now!”

  The lights went out and then rose on the first contestant.

  Chief Mighty Stick won major points when he stalked over to one of the women at his table and pretended to scalp her. Instead of peeling off her hair, he bent her back over his arm and planted a kiss on her neck. He jumped up onto the stage after that, while the other ladies at the table fanned his victim.

  The first half of the show sped by, but it was the second half that interested Julie the most. Her favorites would take their first turn on stage.

  During the thirty-minute break, she moved among the crowd, listening to their comments and accepting their compliments. She headed to the ladies’ room, always jammed during intermissions, to garner more reactions.

  “Where did you find these guys, Julie? They’re gorgeous!”

  “Can I take number three home?”

  “What a terrific idea. I’m bringing my mother-in-law with me tomorrow. Maybe she’ll find a boyfriend and get off my back.”

  That comment caused the women waiting to use the ladies’ room to break into laughter. Thanking them, she returned to the bar area to find Connie and Gary holding hands behind the counter.

  “When’s the wedding?”

  Gary drew Connie’s hand to his lips. “Soon as the ink is dry on the divorce papers.”

  “Excellent. What do you think? Are we a success?”

  Tory and Patty joined them in time to answer Julie’s question.

  “Judging by the number of compliments I got for the song and how perfect it is for the place, I’d say so.”

  “The women at the table I was sitting at asked if I could get them backstage. They looked really disappointed when I said no.” Patty giggled. “They were a lot happier when I promised them autographs.” She pulled out a lacy white bra from her purse. “One of them gave me this for number four to autograph.”

  The sight of the miniscule confection dangling from Patty’s fingers broke everyone up.

  Julie took the bra from Patty and nodded. “I’ll run this upstairs real quick and get him to sign it. There’re still a few minutes before the second half.”

  Slipping outside from the kitchen, she used her code to unlock the side door. The two fellows who were staying each had a key card. Easily opened without a code from the inside, it provided security, but would allow a quick exit if necessary.

  She hurried up the stairs, threads of laughter, music and conversation drifting down to her.

  Knocking once, she entered to find the room in ordered chaos. Costumes were strewn on chairs and aftershave and powder floated in the air. She caught a glimpse of contestant number four and moved toward him.

  Suddenly her path was blocked. The other man of her dreams stood before her. Half naked, he placed his hand on her arm and squeezed. “Are you happy?”

  She nodded, suddenly unable to speak.

  “I’m glad.”

  He ran his hand lightly up her arm to the inside of her elbow and brushed the soft skin. She shivered as the touch sent a charge directly to her center, setting it aflame.

  He moved close enough to whisper in her ear. “I could make you much, much happier. Why not let me show you? Later tonight, I’ll come to you.” He blew a soft, warm gust of air across her flesh. “I’ll show you. Over and over and over again.” He paused. “And you’ll beg me to take you over and over and over again ... after that.”

  He stepped out of her way, leaving her standing and staring into space.

  “Julie? Are you all right?”

  The man who had loved her and then left her so abruptly earlier now took his place. He, too, put his hand on her arm, but she shook it off.

  “Why should you care? You got what you wanted -- a quick fuck. By the way, I should thank you. It’s been a while for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get this over to Marcus to sign.”

  “Julie, I wish I could explain. I didn’t want to leave you.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I shouldn’t have even touched you, but I couldn’t help myself.”

  She interrupted him. “I’m sure. I looked so needy; why not take advantage of the situation.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Look, I don’t have time to talk with you. I blame myself just as much. Now, please, let me pass.”

  Mike moved out of her path, watching her weave her way through the men milling about. He congratulated himself for effectively dousing whatever attraction she may have had for him.

  But what about the desire he had for her? He sighed. Better get ready for his turn on stage.

  * * * * *

  Patty sat back down, her hand in her open purse, clutching the bra that Julie had returned to her. She’d give it to the person who’d requested it after the show. Now, she fondled the lacy confection, bringing her fingers to her face, surreptitiously taking in the manly scent the bra now held.

  Tonight’s show had produced an even greater effect on her than last night’s rehearsal. Her panties were wet from the many times she’d brought herself to climax.

  She smiled at how clever she’d been inserting the smooth carved Oriental balls within her pussy. Whenever she moved they created an incredible sensation deep within her. She shifted, rolling her hips, stifling the whimper of pleasure.

  She turned her attention back to the stage.

  The second part of the program was about to start.

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad smiled.

  Even from the stage he could sense the redhead’s extreme vulnerability. Her scent was heightened by her self-imposed arousal. His sharp eyes caught sight of the lacy piece of material and the masculine aroma clinging to it. She’d sniff, then inhale, then shiver.

  Well, his succulent target was going to receive a little treat tonight. Here and at her home.

  He heard his number being called and he got ready to step onto the stage.

  * * * * *

  Tory watched the stage, objectively grading the men’s performances. She could see a couple that were not as smooth, or self-assured. Some that missed the beat or didn’t connect with the audience.

  She could distance herself because she wasn’t really there. She was back at her apartment reading Rick’s latest email. Earlier that morning he’d sent her another one with a funny picture and a cute joke. Then, before she’d left, she’d checked again and he’d sent her an electric greeting card. It was so sweet. A picture of a little spider monkey dangling from a tree and the words, “Wish we could hang around together.”

  She sighed.

  Thoughts of Rick singing with her overwhelmed any sexy dreams she might have of the gorgeous men parading before her.

  She couldn’t wait to get home.

  * * * * *

  Connie couldn’t wait to get home to Gary’s house. They’d already indulged in a quickie in the storeroom. He’d pulled down her panties, unzipped his pants and taken her standing against the back wall. She’d climaxed so hard and fast, he hadn’t had a chance to come.

  So she’d knelt before him, taken his cock in her mouth and sucked him dry.

  She licked her lips, remembering the rush as he spewed his seed in her mouth. She’d never liked doing it when Bill had forced her to take his penis and get him excited enough to come. He’d blamed his limp dick on her.

  Maybe he was right, or maybe he just couldn’t get it up with his rightfully wedded wife. Maybe he needed to sneak around.

  She snorted. Maybe she just didn’t care anymore.

  He was just a lousy lover. She turned and threw a wink at Gary standing at the other end of the bar. Poor Suzanne, if she really had let Bill fuck her, she must be the stupidest woman on the planet.

  The lights came on; Julie introduced the second half of the show and cued Connie for the music.

  No more time to think about Gary. She’d have to pay attention to the six sexy specimens about to take off their clothes.

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad began his act as he had rehearsed, but then threw in a little twist. He leapt off the stage and glided to the redhead’s table. Using all his skill he surrounded her. Moving from side to side, hovering over her he whirled her chair around, knelt before her, bowed his head on her knees, then jumped up and sped back to the stage, still having time to finish the rest of his act to stomps, whistles, and applause.

  “Girl, you are so lucky! I thought he was going to eat you right then and there!”

  The envious words of her tablemate brought Patty back to earth with a bang.

  Why had that stripper, one of Julie’s favorites, come on to her like that? Because he had. When he’d looked up at her, kneeling before her, his eyes had burned with desire. She could have sworn he’d mouthed, Later.

  She watched the rest of the show, still bemused.

  The last act moved off stage and the strains of “Real Good Man” blasted out raunchy and sexy. The men paraded off stage and into the audience, winding around the room until they peeled off to sit at the lucky twelve tables.

  While the women at her table checked their notes, she wended her way to the woman who’d given her her bra to be signed.

  She passed the table where her ardent wooer sat and his hand snaked out, brushed her arm and then went back to his lap.

  She almost stumbled.

  She headed to the powder room. Although it was still a bit crowded, she spotted Julie in front of the mirror and wedged in next to her. Taking a deep breath, she decided to tell her what had happened.

  “Julie, I don’t know what to do.”

  Julie put down her brush and turned to her. “About what? Are you okay, sweetie? Is anything wrong? C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

  Grateful for the temporary reprieve, Patty followed her out of the ladies’ room and into the now empty bar. Not knowing quite how to put it, she simply blurted out the whole thing.

  “One of the performers hit on me.”

  “Who? Tell me.”

  “One of your guys.”

  “Which one? No, better not tell me. When?”

  “When he was going around to the different tables. I’m sure he whispered the word later to me. What should I do?”

  Julie thought for a minute. After what had happened to her earlier, how could she advise Patty not to indulge in a little harmless flirtation? “Go for it.”

  “Go for it? Do you really think I should?”

  “Hon, if you wait around for Tony Dominguez to come riding back to you, you’re going to end up a dried-up old maid. Just be careful, okay?” She grinned. “And tell me everything that happens.”

  Patty giggled. “Probably nothing. But you’ll be the first to know ... no, the second.”

  Julie gave her a little shove. “Come on, let’s meet the other girls.”

  As Julie led the way to the table where Connie and Tory waited, she thought of her dad’s stunned gaze as he checked out the crowd earlier. He’d come to help in the kitchen while his girlfriend watched the show. Julie had given her free admission and drinks. The woman was keeping her dad happy and that more than deserved carte blanche.

  He’d caught her just after she’d returned from the dressing room, hugged her and told her how proud he was of her.

  She’d gotten all weepy and had to use his hanky to blow her nose. Before he’d left for the night, he’d congratulated her again tweaking her nose as he’d done when she was a little butterball in braids and baseball cap.

  She and Patty joined the others, and Julie began to gather the stats for the evening.

  “How many voting cards were turned in?”

  Patty counted up the cards and her eyes grew round. “Julie, you’re not going to believe it.” She took a deep breath. “One hundred and forty five cards. Everyone voted except us, of course.”

  Connie banged an empty glass on the table to get attention. “Gary told me the bar tab. Are you ready?”

  She named a figure that had the rest of the women gasping.

  Julie teared up. “I can’t believe it. I never could have done it without you guys.” She gulped. “I went to my lawyer the other day and he’s drawn up papers giving each of you ten percent of Real Bad Boys. Just needs your signatures to make it legal. Don’t even try to change my mind.”

  Stunned silence met her announcement then the girls spoke at the same time.

  Julie held up her hands to forestall any further arguments. “Well, girlfriends, it’s been a fantastic opening night. I’ll see you all back here tomorrow evening.” She smiled slyly at Connie. “I’ll expect you to get Gary here on time tomorrow.”

  Connie nodded. “Bet on it. In fact, we’ll close up. Go home and get some rest, Julie. We owe you for coming in early for Gary.” She rose and headed back behind the bar where he was washing down the floor.

  Julie stretched her arms above her head and yawned. “I’m gonna take Connie up on her offer. I’m beat. Night, gang.”

  Grabbing her stuff from the office she was out the door in a few minutes.

  Tory picked up her bag and rubbed her neck. She sighed. “I’m gone, too.” She cocked her head and listened. “I think all the guys are gone.”

  “Do you want me to walk out with you to your car?” Patty asked.

  “No need. I parked right in front. See you tomorrow.”

  Patty sat for a few minutes. What a night. She shifted; the magic balls rubbed her clit and shivers raced through her body. She was going to need all her toys tonight.

  She hear
d Connie and Gary giggling in the back near the storage area and smiled. Connie had had her fondest wish come true.

  “Hey, guys, I’m leaving now. See you tomorrow.”

  Not waiting for an answer, Patty headed out the door.

  The nighttime air held just a touch of early autumn chill. Some of the college kids were already back in Gettysburg; they had to be careful to check ID’s. Underage girls drinking and watching male strippers were huge no-no’s.

  “Hi, Patty. Are you ready?”

  She turned. Moving from the shadows by the fence, her flirtatious suitor sauntered up to her.

  “I’m glad you didn’t keep me waiting too long. Shall we go?”

  Her response was automatic. “Where?”

  He stepped in front of her, grasped her hand and brought it to his lips. He ran his tongue along her knuckles, turned her hand over and lapped the center of her palm.

  “Your bedroom?”

  She gulped and nodded.

  He placed his arm around her waist and drew her closer to his lean body. His prominent arousal prodded her belly. He cupped her breast and squeezed. Hooking the vee of her blouse, he pulled it down, revealing the tops of her breasts and the lacy black bra she’d chosen for the evening.

  “I like it. I’ll like it even more when I rip it from your body and tie it around your wrists. Will you like that?”

  She surprised him.

  She moved in closer, pressing her mound against his erection and tugged his hand, dragging her blouse down further until her breasts encased in their lacy prison were displayed for his pleasure. She ran her hand down his cock, concealed behind his zipper. “Will I like it? I can’t wait.”

  She strutted to her car, letting him admire her rounded ass.

  Tzahyad took a deep breath. The little redhead was even bolder than he’d dare to hope. His cock ached to sink unsheathed in her body, to feel her creamy moisture without his protective shield. He hadn’t come across any female quite as eager in a long while.