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The Collector 5: The Crystal Flacon Page 6

  Soon, she’d see Antonio again. And later ...? Her nipples tightened and she creamed her thong. Later she’d be in his arms. Later he’d fuck her. And soon she’d have him in the palm of one hand and the flacon in the other.

  Chapter Five

  Antonio stared with unseeing eyes through the window of his study. Although he had tried to play down the seriousness of the break-in, he knew that Abby saw right through him. He sighed. Why now? Who could hate him so much that they would do such a terrible thing? The polizia charged that it was an inside job, but he knew the people associated with Borgia. There was no one who bore such antagonism toward the company. There must be some other explanation. Hopefully, Luigi could figure it out. A sharp knock at the door brought him out of his reverie as Luigi entered. He wasted no time on niceties.

  “Antonio, I’ve gone over the display shop and the grounds with a magnifying glass. We were tripping over each other, the crime scene team from the polizia and the insurance company’s investigator and me. There were so many pictures taken you would have thought the paparazzi had found Madonna hiding in the bushes!”

  Antonio chuckled. “Let’s just hope that the paparazzi don’t get wind of the break-in. You know how long it took to overcome the scandal when Maria died in the accident.”

  Luigi nodded. He had done a tremendous amount of damage control then. The only other body had been the nanny’s. With the accident blamed on Maria’s drinking, there had been no need for the polizia to know of a possible missing man.

  An outpouring of sympathy for Lucrezia’s loss of her mother flooded the media. For a while, Antonio received marriage proposals from women longing to fill Maria’s place in his bed. Finally, the publicity and the offers stopped.

  “The polizia want to interview my staff.” Luigi sighed. “Guillermo feels insulted.”

  Antonio shrugged. “What can we do? They trust no one.” He smiled. “And how are Guillermo and his wife and little baby?”

  Luigi took out his wallet and pointed. “The latest.”

  “What a beautiful child!”

  Luigi smiled and put away his wallet. “And Lucrezia’s new babysitter? How is that working out? The information we gathered during the background check we did on her agency was impressive.”

  “Abby? She is beyond wonderful. Lucrezia adores her already.” He chuckled. “She christened her anew. Lucrezia now answers to Lucy!”

  Luigi grinned. “Lucy, eh?” He looked at Antonio’s contented face. “You seem happy, my friend.”

  Antonio nodded. “Even with this situation, I am well pleased. It’s as though she has always belonged here.”

  Luigi wisely said nothing. “I shall keep you informed of the investigation. Don’t worry. We’ll find the figlio di puttana. Meanwhile, the additional alarms I’m putting into the house will keep you and the women safe. Give me the codes for them; we’ll set the new and reset the old ones.”

  Antonio thought for a moment. “For the house, the numerical value for ‘Lucrezia’. For the perfumery, ‘Foster’ -- I doubt anyone will figure that one out!”

  Luigi smiled. “I’ll take care of the perfumery. Ciao.”


  Antonio leaned back in his chair and smiled. The older man was one of his most trusted friends. Years ago, Luigi, as his newly hired bodyguard, had saved him from a kidnapping, getting wounded for his efforts. His father rewarded him with the security head position. Now with Luigi looking after the break-in, he could concentrate on other things.

  Like his growing fascination with Lucy’s new nanny.

  It was getting late. Time to change for dinner. What would Abby wear tonight? Whatever it was, he knew that he would envision her naked. Thank God for Lucy. Without her there, he had the feeling he would sweep the dishes from the table and fuck Abby on its smooth, dark surface. And he didn’t think she’d turn him away.

  He shrugged. He was a man. He wanted her and she, him. He had not felt any strong desire since before Maria’s death. He needed a woman who was intelligent, mature and loyal, loving and giving. Maria had been none of those things. And she had never truly loved Lucrezia. She had considered her an obligation fulfilled. The only reason she had taken Lucy with her was because she knew it would hurt him.

  Well, Maria was dead; she could no longer hurt either him or Lucy. And he was alive. And horny as hell, it appeared.

  He changed quickly, paying more attention to his selection than he usually did. A pair of D&G jeans, a formal white on white dress shirt and a blazer gave him a sophisticated edge he hadn’t sought in a long time. He felt his face. A bit scruffy, but there wasn’t enough time left before dinner. His five o’clock shadow would have to remain. He grinned at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Maria used to beg him to dress more fashionably so he wouldn’t embarrass her before her friends. When she was at home, the villa would be filled with the chic, empty-headed people she preferred. Often, he’d come home from his office to find the halls crawling with drunk or doped-up men and women. The place would stink of cigarettes, spilled liquor and drugs. Once he found two men making love in the Duchesse’s room. Their making love didn’t bother him at all, but their choice of rooms did. From then on, he forbade Maria from allowing any of her crowd to go upstairs. He shook his head. No more worry about wandering strangers indulging in private orgies. Slipping his feet into a pair of loafers, he headed downstairs.

  He drummed his fingers as he sat at the head of the dining table in the smaller dining room near the kitchen. Years ago his mother had taken the former butler’s pantry and turned it into an intimate family dining area. He had always loved eating there, but of course Maria had preferred the larger, more formal dining room. This room suited him perfectly. The rustic wood table could seat eight in a pinch. The carved wooden chairs with rust-colored cushions were soft and welcoming. A large window with an eastern exposure opened out onto the lush grounds surrounding the villa. In the morning, especially during the winter, the sunrise gilded the entire room. In the evening, the honey glow of a fireplace warmed it. It was a room that invited in people. He couldn’t wait to see Abby’s response to it. He picked up his glass, sipped his wine and waited impatiently for her and Lucy to arrive.

  “Papà, doesn’t Abby look beautiful? Like a movie star!”

  Lucy skipped in ahead of her nanny and climbed onto his lap. He was, indeed, grateful for her presence. The woman who stood poised in the doorway was as enticing as his long-dead ancestress. She moved with a seductive roll of her hips, chest high; her carriage regal. Her nipples pushed against the material of her dress as though she were already excited. He sucked in his breath. And forgot about how she liked the room.

  “Papà, did I hurt you?” Lucy’s childish treble diverted his attention for the moment. He gently eased her down, smiling at her earnest question.

  “No, cara. I was just impressed by Abby’s dress. It’s very pretty.”

  Abby sauntered to the table, stood for a moment by her seat and smiled. She twirled slowly, giving him a glimpse of her rounded ass and full bosom. Her husky voice dripped sex. “Oh, do you think it’s ... pretty? I’m glad you like it.”

  Antonio gripped the stem of his glass so tightly he thought it would shatter. The woman was playing him like a violin. He took a deep breath. “You look lovely, Abby. Shall we eat? Renata has prepared a meal beyond compare.”

  “Wonderful! I’m starved.”

  Dinner was awkward. Lucy chattered away so pleased to be up late again that she didn’t notice the silence of the two adults. Smiles were directed at the child. Comments, prompted by her conversation.

  “Papà, what shall we do tomorrow?”

  “I shall be working in town. Maybe you can show Abby around the countryside.”

  “But papà, I want you to be with me tomorrow! I didn’t see you at all today!” Lucy pulled the pout out of her pocket, but Antonio wasn’t taken in by it.

  “Lucrezia, remember I told you that I could only spend a short time with you and Abby. Cara, I’ll try to be home for supper, but I may not always be able to. That’s why Abby is here. She’ll keep you company, little one.” He smiled gently at her. “I promise whatever time I come home, I’ll come and tuck you in and kiss you.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  As soon as Lucy finished her meal, Abby scooped her up and headed up the stairs to the nursery. The tired little girl made a few half-hearted demurs, but eventually fell asleep snuggled in her bed.

  Abby heaved a satisfied sigh and then sighed again, this time in frustration. Throughout dinner, she was aware of Antonio’s eyes on her. The heat of his desire seared her and made her ache. She could feel the moisture gather between her thighs.

  There’d be a knock on her door tonight.

  And she’d be ready.

  * * * * *

  It was late. Where the hell was Antonio?

  Her body still ached with arousal. She wanted to sink her teeth in his butt it was so delicious. And his cock! She wanted to feel him plunge his prick in her ass, his strong hands cupping her breasts, his hot breath fanning her neck. He’d kiss her throat, his tongue would slide down to her shoulder and, in a frenzy, he’d bite her.

  She moaned. She wanted him here and now.

  Should she try to sleep? No, she was too restless. Maybe a swim would tire her out.

  She quietly opened the door to Lucy’s room. Her calm, soft breathing indicated that she was sound asleep. Good. She took the baby monitor back with her into her room and, tinkering with it a bit, increased the intercom’s range so that she would hear anything even from the pool. Slipping back into Lucy’s room, she replaced it in its original position.

  The lure of soft, warm water lapping her heated flesh was too strong. Sh
e pulled out one of the swimsuits she’d brought with her, a skimpy bikini. At night with no one around, it wouldn’t matter.

  She put on the suit, threw on her robe and, taking the receiver with her, went down to the pool.

  The moon shone blue, giving a fairytale look to the night. Abby placed the intercom on one of the low tables scattered around the pool area and draped her robe on one of the lounge chairs.

  Taking a deep breath, she dove off the side into the welcoming liquid. Strong, steady strokes brought her from one end to the other. The tiny bikini clung to her breasts, barely concealing her tight nipples. The thong bottom covered her pubic area with a miniscule piece of material, leaving her almost naked, except for two little bows above each hipbone.

  She floated, swam and dove from the side of the pool, until deciding to try the diving board. She paused for a few moments, rose on her toes and took a deep breath before executing an effortless dive.

  She resurfaced to the sound of applause.

  “Brava, brava. You swim like a mermaid.”

  Antonio stood at the shallow end of the pool wearing a knee-length robe. As she gazed at him, his demeanor changed. His eyes blazed with lust. He dropped his hands to his side and then gestured to her. “Abby, come to me.”

  She swam toward the edge until she could touch bottom, walked up the steps out of the pool to him and stood, dripping water on his feet.

  With one easy movement he shifted her into his arms, carried her into one of the cabanas and laid her on a canvas-covered chaise lounge. Moving back a step, he shrugged off his robe. Beneath it he wore only a miniscule swimsuit that did nothing to conceal his erection.

  “No more talking. The next sound I want to hear is you screaming my name as you come.”

  She wet her lips and nodded. It was easy to slip off her top -- only a simple knot kept it on -- easier to untie the thong bottom. What was difficult was lying there, naked, waiting for Antonio’s reaction.

  His breath hissed. He yanked his suit down, almost stumbling in his haste. He moved to the lounge and knelt beside it. His hand trembled as he laid it on her breast and gently kneaded it.

  Her nipple puckered as she arched under his touch. Her hips bucked up as he shifted his weight over her. She loved it, feeling his body lying across hers. Her arms encircled him and she sighed in contentment. Her sighs soon changed to moans as Antonio lifted her hips, positioned his cock and plunged within her moist pussy. She dug her nails into his shoulders, moving to meet each thrust. His harsh gasps urged her to respond in kind.

  He nipped at her neck, sending pinpricks of pain/pleasure through her. With each thrust she called out his name. Her cries grew more frantic as the level of ecstasy increased.

  He took one taut bud in his mouth and suckled. As he licked, nipped and pulled, Abby’s pleasure doubled. Her breasts had never been this sensitive before. Was it because it was Antonio’s mouth claiming her flesh? He moved to her other breast, giving it the same attention. Her damp skin, exposed to the air, pebbled with goose flesh, but not for long. His hand cupped it, his hot fingers warming her.

  She opened her eyes. Antonio’s were shuttered, his head thrown back as he moved faster and faster on her, striving to bring them both to the pinnacle.

  And she was coming close, so close to her climax. She closed her eyes once more and felt the earth shift beneath her as she opened them again.

  And she was no longer by the pool and she was no longer Abby.

  She was Lucrezia.

  And the man above her was her beloved spouse, Alfonso.

  “Lucrezia, carissima, it’s been so long.”

  The love burning in the eyes of the man moving above her rendered her mute. Abby’s spirit, jostling with Lucrezia’s, was frozen in disbelief.

  This was no dream. She had been wide-awake making love with Antonio, and then thrust abruptly back in time.


  Why was Lucrezia’s spirit calling out to her across the centuries? Was it because of her growing attraction for Antonio? She didn’t know and meanwhile Lucrezia’s passion was engulfing her, threatening to take her over.

  Abby felt like the unwilling rider on a bucking bronco. She had to cling to her identity; she had to return to her time.

  Even as she felt Lucrezia’s climax tear through her, she focused on all that called to her in the future -- Antonio, Lucy, Finding Justice and her obligation to the mysterious Collector. She focused her thoughts on Antonio, crying out to him with her mind and heart.

  Lucrezia closed her eyes, making it easier for Abby to attempt to connect with the present day.

  And Antonio’s voice, harsh with urgency, was calling out to her, begging her to respond, dragging her back from the past.

  “Abby, Abby, wake up, bella.” He smacked her cheek lightly with an open hand, the other hand gripping her shoulder. “You passed out. I felt you come and then ... you were gone.” He gathered her into his embrace. “You frightened me.”

  She drew back in his arms. There was no way she was going to tell him what had happened; he’d think she was crazy. For now, a half-truth would more than serve to reassure him. She touched his face, caressing him. “I’m sorry.” She smiled. “I’ve only read about ‘le petit mort’; I never thought I’d experience it.” She sank deeper into his hold. Her arms crept around his neck. She licked her lips and her eyes brimmed with passion. “I’d like to experience it again.” She grinned. “Willing to give it another try?”

  Antonio threw his head back and roared with laughter. “More than willing.”

  * * * * *

  The moon was still riding high in the sky when Antonio and Abby re-entered the villa. Abby had stuffed the baby monitor in one pocket of her robe and her bikini top in the other and was barefoot. The marble floor felt cold and smooth beneath her feet. When she gave an involuntary shiver, Antonio scooped her up in his arms and carried her up the staircase.

  She giggled and batted her eyes. “Why, Rhett, darling, I do declare, you are so strong.”

  Antonio responded, easily falling in with the game. “Miss Scarlett, you are as light as a feather. I could carry you across the river Po and not feel tired. But for now, I think your bedroom will do.”

  The room was flooded with a magical blue light. Antonio laid her down on the bed, then bent over to kiss her. His hands cupped her face and her fingers threaded through his hair. Their mouths opened and their breaths mingled. He pulled away with great reluctance, resolutely turning his back on her alluring presence.

  “Amore, please stay with me. Don’t go yet. I need you.”

  He turned. Abby had slipped off the robe and she was gloriously naked in the moonlight. She swayed, raising her arms above her head, lifting her breasts with the movement. For one wild moment, her features wavered and her hair flowed over her shoulders. It was as though the portrait of Lucrezia had come to life. He blinked and it was Abby, once more, enticing him to join her in the opulent bed. She sank back onto the burgundy colored bedspread and the profusion of satin pillows. Her hands drifted between her thighs, hovering near the fiery nest of curls. “Please, Antonio. Don’t make me pleasure myself.” She spread her legs, brought one hand to her mouth and licked her fingers. Her hand returned to its favored spot between her legs. She moistened her lips and her voice took on a sultry, velvet tone. “Maybe you just want to watch? Will it make you hard to look at me?” Her fingers sank into her pussy and she arched as she found that small nubbin of flesh. A moan escaped her lips as she played with her sex.

  Antonio had stood transfixed as she fondled herself. He watched as her features grew slack with desire. Her little moans of passion struck him as loudly as a gong and reverberated in his ears. But when her other hand began to knead her breasts, he could stand it no longer. With one stride he was on the bed, his robe fallen to the floor. He slipped his hands beneath her, lifted her to his mouth and thrust his tongue into her slick depths.