Noone Else on Earth Read online

Page 5

  It was her pride and joy, and cost most of her money, but it was outstanding.

  Real Bad Boys was in flaming orange and red. The “O” in Boys had a little devil’s face with horns on top. Each night since the sign first went up, she’d stop and look and marvel at the physical reality that everything seemed to be going so well.

  “It is rather eye-catching, isn’t it?”

  A sinful-as-chocolate voice interrupted her musings.

  Uh-oh, trouble.

  She turned around to find Dark and Dangerous standing behind her. Muscular arms crossed over a rock-hard chest and tight jeans hugging lean flanks, he personified every woman’s midnight fantasies.

  She took a mental deep breath and tried to keep her voice from sounding too eager.

  “Looks good, huh? I wanted something that would grab attention.” She paused. “I’d like to open a few more of them. Maybe add an amateur night for guys brave enough to take off their clothes in front of strangers.”

  He grinned and a dimple appeared in his shadowed cheek.

  “Well, if they can have clubs where women try their skill at pole dancing, I don’t see why you couldn’t have clubs for men willing to display their equipment.” He paused. “You have some ambitious plans for a small-town girl.”

  “Woman.” Julie’s reaction was automatic.

  He inclined his head, acknowledging her correction. “Woman. Look Julie, I meant it as a compliment.”

  “Sorry. I get it from both ways. Either people wonder why I came back to a small town like Greenrock or they wonder why I ever left.”

  “Why did you?”

  “Leave?” It took only a moment to tell him. “Why did I come back?” She shrugged. “I felt I had to. My mom died five years ago and after that my dad seemed to go to pieces. He let the place get rundown; he stopped taking care of himself -- mom always did that. I guess what it boiled down to was he needed me.” She sighed. “I almost left it for too long.” She squared her shoulders. “But I’m here now and happy to be back.”

  “Are you?”

  She caught him gazing at her with an intensity that was almost frightening.

  “Happy? Now I am. I have the place, my dad’s approval and my friends’ support. I have plans for the future. I’m happy.”

  He stepped closer to her, his body inches away from hers. When he spoke next his breath caressed her neck, sending shivers up her spine.

  “What about sex?” His hand reached out, smoothing the bare skin on her arm. “What about satisfying your own desires?” He turned her hand over, his thumb making little circles on her flesh.

  Moisture pooled deep within her core.

  He pressed his body against hers, his bulging erection straining against his denims. His left hand whipped around her waist, slid below her belly and, fingers spread, grasped her mound.

  She gasped, her breath hitching.

  “When was the last time you had someone please you?” He brought her right hand to her breast, his fingers twining with hers, and squeezed.

  Her nipples tightened and her head fell back against his chest. She knew she should say something about what he was doing, but she couldn’t.

  It felt too good.

  He thrust his crotch against her buttocks and rotated his hips. Untangling their fingers, he let her hand drop and slipped his own beneath her blouse and under her bra. The rough pads kneaded her soft flesh. His thumb rubbed her aching nub.

  She moaned and pushed back against him, swiveling her ass. Her lips dried and she licked them. She took a short, quick breath and one word escaped her.


  It was dark, but not really late. A car whizzed by shattering the moment.

  She pulled away from him, straightening her blouse, trying to wrap her mind around what had nearly happened.

  She fairly flew to her car. Throwing it in gear, she tore out of the lot, leaving the man behind her aching for release.

  Just like her.

  * * * * *

  Mike watched Julie rush from the parking lot with regret. And pain. His prick felt on fire and he ached to give it relief.

  The thought of Julie’s soft, warm ass bucking against him was driving him insane.

  He’d promised himself not to get too close to her. To keep his cravings under control. But that sweet behind of hers, those plush breasts and that long, thick, straight black-as-sin hair; he kept envisioning her naked and writhing in passion beneath him as he straddled her, filling her.

  Fucking her.

  He could hear the need behind her proud words. He sensed her refusal to let them overwhelm her.

  And he knew she was vulnerable, too vulnerable to an experienced predator like Tzahyad.

  The best thing he could do for her was find and capture the bastard before any more of her people were destroyed.

  Why then, did he have to keep reminding himself not to take that succulent body and take her again and again and again until they were both mindless with lust?


  Operative word.

  And one he couldn’t indulge.

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad watched the juicy female flee the darkened lot. Although he still ached, he was satisfied with the evening’s activities and his sampling of Julie’s friend. He had almost lost control with her; she was so juicy. He had clouded her memory and left her with a little souvenir. Only fair after all, since he’d taken a souvenir from her. He fingered the stockings stuffed in his pockets and his cock stiffened.

  He debated whether or not to visit the redhead’s bed that night, but decided against it. He gazed at the darkened window of the apartment over Real Bad Boys and smiled.

  One of the men sleeping within was going to have a very wet dream tonight.

  * * * * *

  Julie pulled into her driveway and shut off the engine. For a moment she just sat in the car, staring into the night.

  What had she almost done?

  If that car hadn’t gone past the lot, she would have let a complete stranger make love to her.

  And enjoyed every minute.

  She shut her eyes but opened them up immediately when a vision of Dark and Dangerous cupping her mound flashed before her eyes. Those long, lean fingers splayed across her crotch refused to leave her brain.

  Too bad she couldn’t lose the memory like she had already lost her mind.

  Damn it, she’d been so horny she thought she’d come if he’d taken one strong finger and merely touched her snatch through her slacks.

  She sighed and grabbed her overstuffed bag. A slim, gift-wrapped box fell out with a card attached.

  From the BBGs in case all the guys turn out to be gay.

  She ripped off a corner of the paper and grinned, her mood lightening.

  A very expensive vibrator lay beneath the gaudy gift wrap.

  She shoved it back inside the bag, got out of the car and hurried up the walk to her front door.

  And smiled.

  Thank God for batteries.

  She’d just tossed the keys on the kitchen counter when her cell phone rang. Twice.

  She dumped the contents of her bag on the table, checking the incoming call.


  That she actually had followed through and called her made Julie’s stomach clench.

  She thought of how strong Bill was and how his anger might make him even stronger and she knew she couldn’t go there alone.

  She keyed in Gary’s number, praying that he was home. He answered on the third ring.

  “Julie? What’s up? Everything all right at the bar?”

  “Fine, everything’s fine there. It’s Connie.”

  Gary’s voiced crackled with energy. “Connie? Damn it, I knew there was something wrong earlier. What’s happened?”

  “I don’t know for sure.” She took a deep breath. “Bill’s been verbally abusing her for years, but it’s getting worse. I told her to call if he started to hurt her ...”

  “That son of a bit
ch! I’ll meet you there!”

  “Thanks, Gary. I’m getting in the car now.”

  Julie ran out, just grabbing her wallet and keys.

  She hoped to hell she wouldn’t be too late.

  * * * * *

  When she pulled up to the back of Connie’s house, all the lights were on. She could hear Bill’s strident voice and the sound of crashing furniture through the open kitchen door.

  Gary’s motorcycle screeched in behind her and he jumped off.

  A cell phone went flying through the air almost hitting her as she neared the door. Gary pushed her back.

  “Careful, let me call in to him first.”

  She nodded. She knew that for some strange reason Bill and Gary were friends. She thought maybe because underneath Gary’s muscle builder physique was a very kind person unwilling to hurt the feelings of a childhood buddy.

  “Bill, it’s Gary. I’m here with Julie. Can we come in?”

  “You can. Leave that nosy bitch outside.”

  Gary turned to Julie. “You heard him. Stay outside, hon.”

  Julie shook her head. “I’ll keep behind you, but I’m not going to stand aside while Connie is still in there.”

  Gary took in her determined face and sighed. “Okay, but stay well behind me.”

  Julie didn’t want to believe her eyes when they walked into the kitchen.

  Gary had Connie by her hair. Her dripping wet hair. Her terry robe was half off, one rounded shoulder revealed. Her feet were bare and there was a broken beer bottle on the floor that she was trying to avoid.

  “I told you not to bring the bitch in with you. It’s her fault.”

  Gary spread his arms wide and raised his hands.

  “Hey, buddy, she’s just worried about her friend. Like I’m worried about you. C’mon, tell me what happened.”

  Bill tightened his grip and Connie winced.

  “This bitch went and let some bastard fuck her, after I warned her not to. She crept back in with the stink of him on her and tried to sneak past me to wash off her fat body.” He jerked her up, spittle flying in her face as he spoke. “Stupid cow. I heard her strip her clothes off and turn on the shower.” He pulled her robe off her shoulder revealing one breast. A large hickey marred the creamy white skin and a welt the size of a fist bruised her breastbone. He squeezed the breast, pinching the nipple.

  Connie cried out. “I was raped! How many times do I have to tell you! Somebody raped me tonight. I didn’t want you to know. I knew you wouldn’t believe me!”

  Gary stepped forward, anger and disgust simmering in his voice. “Let her go, Bill. She’s hurt. Let Julie take her to her house. C’mon, pal.” He laughed harshly, trying to establish a connection. “Is it worth going to jail?”

  Bill stared at him for a minute that seemed to stretch for hours. Finally he shoved her aside.

  Julie rushed over, pulled up Connie’s robe, and half carried her from the house.

  Bill glanced bleary-eyed at Gary, then looked toward the still-opened door.

  “Fat cow. Not even a good lay. Who the hell would want to rape her?”

  Gary clenched his hands and tried to remind himself that Bill was drunk and his friend.

  It was hard to do.

  “If Connie said she was raped, she was. I’ve never known her to lie.”

  Bill laughed. “Then you’ve never known her. The bitch lied to me from the beginning.” He belched and the sour smell clouded the kitchen.

  Bill stumbled over to Gary, falling into his arms. He clutched at his shoulders, gripping them tightly to regain his balance. Managing to stand up, he still clutched Gary’s arms.

  Bill’s gaze softened as he looked at him. “Can’t trust any woman.” His grip loosened and his fingers brushed Gary’s arms. “You’re my only friend.” He sagged into his arms, forcing Gary to either support him or let him fall.

  Gary let him slowly slip to the floor.

  “Bill, I’m your friend.” He paused. “Just your friend. And that’s all.”

  Lying on the floor, Bill gazed up at Gary, and the almost tender look in his eyes faded. He scuttled back against the kitchen table leg.

  “What the hell does that mean? Just my friend? Do you think ...? You fucking prick, you think I’m queer?” He grabbed the tabletop, pulling his body up. Leaning onto it for support, a sly look came over his face. “You think I’m gay? You poor sap. Just ask that little slut you married. She’ll tell you how gay I am. Said she’d never had a real man till I fucked her. Go ahead. Ask her.”

  Gary stared at him and shook his head. “You sorry excuse for a human being. You think I don’t know about Suzanne’s little adventures? You think you’re the only one she’s screwed? The papers are already at the lawyers, just waiting for our signatures.” He laughed. “You want her? You can have her.”

  He grabbed Bill’s t-shirt. “Just don’t come near Connie ever again. I find out you have and you’ll regret it, hear me? I’ll hurt you. Bad.” He tossed him away. “And Bill, I’m not your friend. Not anymore.”

  He stalked from the house, slamming the door behind him.

  Julie’s car was still parked in the driveway.

  “I thought I told you both to get the hell away from here.”

  Julie shook her head. “Connie wouldn’t leave until she knew you were okay.” She looked him over. “You are, aren’t you?”

  “Fine, damn it. Look I’ll follow you home. We’ll talk there.”

  “You can call Suzanne from the house.”

  He shook his head. “No need. She’s gone.” Seeing her quizzical look, he forestalled any further questions. “I’ll talk at your place.”

  The ride seemed endless, though it only took less than thirty minutes. Gary pulled in right behind them.

  Connie stepped gingerly out of the car. Before she could move another step, Gary scooped her up, ignoring her murmured protest.

  “Careful, you’ll hurt your back.”

  “Just relax. I’ve wrestled guys twice your weight.”

  Julie ushered them in, turning on all the lights. With more tenderness than she’d been given in a long time, Gary placed Connie on the couch.

  Kneeling by her side, Gary gripped her hand, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles.

  “I’m so sorry, Con. He’s not the guy I went to kindergarten with.” He took a deep breath. “I warned him. I told him if he ever came near you again, I’d hurt him.” He brought her fingers to his mouth and kissed her hand. “Who did it, sweetheart? Who raped you?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m not even sure I was raped. I don’t remember a thing. I don’t know how I got this hickey.”

  She pulled down the top of her robe and looked down.


  Only the welt that Bill had given her marred her pale skin.

  “I’ve gone crazy.”

  Julie came over, a glass of orange juice in her hand, and peered at her friend’s body.

  “Then we all have. It’s not there anymore. Maybe we all imagined it.”

  Connie shrugged. “Maybe it was the light, but it’s gone now.” She took a deep shuddering breath. “If only all my problems could disappear like that.”

  Julie offered her the juice. “You know you can stay here as long as you like.”

  Gary tightened his grip on Connie’s hand. “You’re not going back there. Tomorrow, we’ll get your clothes and anything else you need. I’ll store your stuff at my house, if Julie doesn’t have enough room.”

  Tears slipped from Connie’s eyes. “I don’t want to be any trouble. Won’t Suzanne be upset?”

  “She’s left.” He rose and moved to the couch, sliding next to her, his thigh brushing hers. “We’re getting a divorce.”

  “Look, it hasn’t been good for a long time. It finally fell apart last month when Julie let me off early. I found her in bed with the mailman.”

  The image of petite Suzanne and the tall, lanky postman flashed across Julie’s and Connie’s minds
and hysterical laughter burst out.

  Connie hiccupped as she tried to speak.

  “I’m so sorry about you and Suzanne, but maybe Bill and I ...”

  “No. Look, Connie, Bill bragged to me that he’d slept with Suzanne. I really don’t give a rat’s ass that he did, but he’s obviously been cheating on you. He’s been picking on you for years, and now he’s gone physical. And he doesn’t seem to care who knows.” He paused. “There is no way I’m letting you go back to that son of a bitch, hear me?”

  She nodded.

  Julie interrupted. “Gary, why don’t you go back with Connie tomorrow and help her bring her clothes and stuff over. Take as long as you need. I’ll ask my dad to fill in for you in the afternoon.”

  Gary looked at Connie. “What time does Bill leave for work?”

  “Around nine in the morning.”

  “Good. I’ll be here at a quarter to with my truck.”

  “I’m just taking my clothes and my PC and my mom’s china and silver. He can keep everything else.”

  “You’ll double check when we get there. Okay?”


  He stood and smiled down at her. His hand cupped her chin and he raised it.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’ll be okay. I promise you.”

  His thumb brushed her lips and he pressed it against her full top lip. “Night.”

  For a moment after Gary left, Julie and Connie were silent.

  Looking over to Connie, Julie smiled. “He likes you.”

  “He’s just kind.”

  Julie shook her head. “Nope. He likes you. A lot.” She stretched and yawned. “I’m beat. You sure you’re all right? Connie, what did happen earlier before you got home?”

  “I’m not sure. I can’t believe I wouldn’t remember something if someone had raped me. But one minute I was saying good by to Gary, and the next I woke up in my car, missing my panties and stockings, my skirt over my ass, my blouse open and my bra chucked in the back.” She took a deep breath. “The car smelled of sweat and sex. And I had that hickey.” A look of fear came over her. “Maybe I did it myself? You know, gave myself a hand job and ...”

  “A disappearing hickey? Maybe we all just imagined it.”