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Noone Else on Earth Page 17

  “There, Mrs. Majors, even you believe Bill killed himself.” The sheriff’s voice was filled with satisfied relief. “Please, let me lock up the place and you go on home.”

  Her lips quivering, her eyes filled with tears. She dropped her arms by her side, a picture of resignation. Giving everyone a final glare, she turned to leave, then stopped. “I’ll drive myself home. If I get in an accident it’ll be on your head, Martin Driscoll!”

  She stomped out and everyone gave a relieved sigh. Driscoll shook his head. “With a woman like that for a mother, I’m surprised he didn’t kill himself sooner!” His honest comment broke the tension. “Go home everyone. The CDC is ninety-nine percent certain it’s a suicide. He’ll give his official report tomorrow. Just don’t discuss it yet with anyone. I’m counting on you to keep this to yourselves now. We clear?”

  Julie, Connie and Gary nodded in mute agreement. With a hand on her elbow, Gary eased Connie from the table and together the three of them left the house.

  Standing by the front door for a moment, Julie hugged Connie tightly. “It’ll be okay, hon. I know it will.”

  “Thanks, Julie.” She reached for Gary’s hand. “If it weren’t for you girls and Gary ...”

  “We’ll always be here for you.”

  “I know.”

  “BBGs forever.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “So, what happened? Was it an accident? Tell us.”

  Tory and Patty were practically dancing with impatience behind the barrier. As soon as Julie, Connie and Gary crossed under the tape, they surrounded them.

  Connie grasped Tory’s and Patty’s hands, tears still shimmering in her eyes.

  “Bill killed himself sometime yesterday. He took all my anti-depressant pills, took his dad’s straight razor and slit his wrists. His mom found him when she came to the house ’cause he didn’t meet her for church like he always does.” The tears spilled over, dampening her cheeks. “He wrote some weird note on the bathroom mirror with one of my lipsticks. It said, See what you’ve done. His mom thought I’d killed him.”

  All three girls grabbed her, hugging her tightly.

  “What a fucking coward that bastard was.” Patty spat out each word like they were poison.

  “Coward?” Connie lifted her face. “Why would you say that?”

  “Patty’s right. He was always a coward. Letting his mother put you down, beating up on you all these years. Now he’s blaming everyone but himself for what he did.” Julie’s voice seethed.

  “I would have thought that he’d try to hurt Connie,” Tory said.

  “He still is,” Gary said. “But as soon as Tony confirms it was a suicide and clears Connie of any suspicions, it’ll be better.” He drew Connie into his protective embrace and she leaned against him.

  “Here.” Julie handed Patty the small paper scrap that Tony had given her. “Tony wanted to make sure you got it.”

  Patty examined it with awe. “It’s his phone number.”

  “I gave him your home phone and the bookstore’s.”

  “He won’t call me.”

  “You have got to be kidding, girl? Why else would he give it to me to give to you?” Julie shook her head. “He’ll call, you’ll go out, and he’ll fall in love.”

  Patty roared with laughter causing the few remaining gawkers to give them weird looks. “Don’t place any bets. He probably wants to check out the bookstore; see what kind of stock I carry. Maybe order some specialized texts.”

  Julie laughed. “Hon, you’re babbling.” She took a deep breath. “Let’s get home. There’s nothing we can do here.”

  “Julie, can Connie and I give you a lift?”

  “Thanks, that would be great. I really don’t feel like waiting for a cab.”

  “No problem.”

  With one final hug, they each went their separate ways.

  Soon the street was quiet once more as the curious onlookers drifted back to their homes.

  * * * * *

  “Thanks for dropping me off, guys. Sweetie, if you want to skip tomorrow don’t worry.” Julie leaned in through the passenger’s side to talk to Connie. “You may need to be available when Bill’s body is released.”

  Connie shook her head. “I sincerely doubt his mother would let me near his body. There’s a family plot ...” She sighed. “Thank goodness, his mother doesn’t have to get some sort of dispensation to have him buried there. You know she was going to be buried between us. I was going to be on the outside of the plot anyway.” A helpless giggle escaped her lips.

  “Well, let me know what happened. Gary, I’ll ask my dad if he can come in for you tomorrow so you can stay with Connie.”

  “Thanks, Julie. You take it easy, too.”

  Julie walked briskly to the house. She hadn’t had a chance to call Mike and knew he’d be waiting anxiously.

  She’d barely unlocked the door, when he pulled her inside.

  “Hey, let me turn on the lights, darling.”

  After tossing her bag onto the small foyer table, she flicked on the light switch and threw herself into his arms.

  “What happened?”

  “Bill killed himself. His mother’s ready to have Connie arrested as an accessory and the new chief deputy coroner is Patty’s high school crush. There, all in a nutshell.”

  For a second Mike stared at her, then, still holding her, fell onto the couch roaring with laughter. “I know I shouldn’t laugh, but ...”

  Julie started giggling. “I know. It’s like something from a TV show.”

  Mike became serious. “Somehow this harks back to Tzahyad. I don’t know how, it’s just a gut feeling.”

  Julie nodded. “There’s no way we can prove it. Tony -- he’s the guy from high school -- said it looked like a clear cut suicide.”

  Mike nodded. “That’s how it works with him. There’s never any way to prove otherwise.”

  Julie leaned back in his embrace. “Bill was a bastard, but even he didn’t deserve to die like that.” She shook her head. “What could Tzahyad have done to make Bill kill himself?”

  Mike shrugged. “Revealed something he couldn’t face? Could be anything and we’ll probably never know.” He kissed her cheek. “While you were gone I came up with a plan.” He hugged Julie closer. “It’s still chancy, and I’m not happy with it, but it had the lowest risk factor of any of the other ideas I could think of.”

  “Let me be the judge.”

  “Here goes. Tzahyad wants to get you alone. We’ll let him. But I’ll have my shielding device on. I contacted my superior and he told me how to fine tune it so that the shielding area is limited to just a few feet around me.” He took a deep breath and continued. “Tzahyad will try to seduce you. It’s the way he knows best to get what he wants. He’ll make you beg him to fuck you and he’ll barter for the privilege. Tell him what he wants and he’ll give you the greatest pleasure you’ll ever know.” He turned Julie in his embrace so that they were face to face. “Amitee, you must be strong. Keep him occupied. Demand that he make love to you first. Be bold. From all that is known of his kind, they admire assertive lovers. Seduce him. Entice him. Keep him off balance. And while you’re doing it, I’ll get him.”

  Julie pressed her body closer to Mike’s as though she could bury herself in him. “But you’re my fantasy, amitee. How could he hope to transform himself into you without my knowing it?”

  “He delves deep into your subconscious. It’s all right to have fantasies; we all have them. And Tzahyad will find them.”

  Julie fell silent. She did have one fantasy that haunted her dreams. Now, knowing Mike loved her it felt disloyal to dream about being with two men at one time.

  “I activated the shielding device so we won’t need to turn the lights off.” He shifted so that they were lying more comfortably on the couch. He kissed the top of her curls and sighed. “I never thought I’d ever find a bond mate. My type of job isn’t one that offers the opportunity to get to know people. I’ve chased Tzahyad
for so many years. I always worked solo until ...” He sighed. “When I lost Marta, I didn’t think I could ever feel anything for anybody. She was like a sister. I wouldn’t let anybody get close after that. Until you. I know I told you this before, but amitee, I would die before I let anything happen to you. If it came down to capturing Tzahyad or losing you, there would be no contest.”

  Julie reached up and caressed Mike’s cheek. “It won’t come to that. Tzahyad has met his match with the two of us.”

  Mike chuckled. “I know what was missing in my life before you. Not only love but laughter.”

  “Then get ready for a laugh riot.” Julie slipped her hand down and found Mike’s ribs. With the dexterity of an accomplished pickpocket she began her ticklish assault. Within seconds Mike had rolled off the couch onto the floor. Laughter erupted spreading waves of giddiness over them.

  Julie wound up on the bottom, Mike’s weight settled on his arms. He looked down at her smiling face and his heart turned over in his chest.

  “I love you. I swear forever to bind my heart and body to you.”

  Julie gazed up at the man who had taken her heart. She felt as though she’d known him all her life. Now he was her life.

  “Make love to me, Mike. And don’t stop.”

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad had left the bed of the redheaded female before dawn. She had been a tasty morsel, but he was still unsatisfied. The rage he felt toward Julie had stoked his energy initially, but now his hunger rose again.

  He sped back to the motel, arriving just as a female left one of the contestants’ rooms. He watched as Beau leaned out the door to plant one more kiss on her crimson lips. Her gait was unsteady and the smell of liquor wafted from her. Her dress clung to every curve as though sprayed on and she wobbled on her four-inch heels.

  Exactly what he needed right now. He watched her stumble toward her car.

  And rearranged his features.

  “Hey, sugar, wait a minute.”

  She turned, the key still in her hand. “Beau?”

  He sauntered toward her, expertly mimicking the Southerner’s relaxed gait. “I decided I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I let you drive home alone.” He turned her around pressing her rounded ass against the car. “Besides, sugar, I really haven’t had my fill yet.” He pushed his rock hard erection against her and she moaned.

  “Why, Beau baby, you are still horny.” She belched delicately and giggled. “Sorry.” She licked her lips. “Get in the car. We’ll take the long way home.”

  Tzahyad slid into the passenger seat. “You’re the driver.”

  “We’ll go over by the quarry. We can go swimming. You ever go skinny dipping, Beau?”

  “Skinny dipping? You wouldn’t qualify, sugar; you’re far from skinny.”

  The female threw back her head and laughed. “I hope you meant I’m stacked. I spent a fortune on these boobs.” She hefted her tits and Tzahyad pinched the nipple nearest him.

  “Sugar, they were worth every penny. Let’s go.”

  Tzahyad sat back luxuriating in anticipation of taking every last shred of desire from the lusty female. Maybe then, he’d feel calmer.

  They reached the town limits and swung by a barrier. The pull-off was dark and secluded.

  “We’re here. The quarry’s just over past those trees.” She giggled. “We can strip when we get there.”

  She toed off her shoes and swayed through a small copse of trees, leading Tzahyad by the hand.

  “We’re here.”

  She bent and lifted her dress over her head. She had huge tits and a small waist. Her thong didn’t conceal her curly snatch. As she bent forward to leave her clothes on top of a small boulder Tzahyad took in her curved behind.

  By the One, he would feast tonight!

  He stripped off his clothes, his cock at full length, throbbing to sink into her flesh and feel her clench around his naked prick. He took a deep breath. He would drain her dry, but he would refrain from taking her life. A horribly demolished dead body would force too much attention on his hunting territory.

  She straightened, turned around and her eyes widened. “Why, Beau, honey, I don’t remember you being that big!” She undulated over to him. “But I like it.” She knelt and opened her mouth. “I like it a lot! Honey, you just got yourself the best blow job in town!”

  “Wait. Here, use that mouth of yours to put this rubber on me.”

  She pouted. “But, sweetie, it would be so much better without it.”

  “Who knows where that mouth of yours has been? Use the rubber.”

  She cupped his balls. “Back at the motel, you didn’t care.” She squeezed. “You said I had the hottest mouth you’d ever felt. Why now?”

  He gripped her hair and yanked up her head. For a moment, his control slipped and the real Tzahyad’s face glared down at the hapless woman. She gasped and closed her eyes unwilling to believe what she’d seen. When she opened them again, his control was back in place.

  He concentrated his power on her and her eyes glazed over.

  “Now, bitch, do as I say.”

  Mindless, she fit the condom on his prick and took him in as deep as she could. She rolled his balls between her fingers, then squeezed.

  “Good, good, bitch. Now, deeper.”

  Following directions she took him in even more until she started to gag. Holding her steady, he thrust into her until he reached his climax. He let go of her hair and she sank to the ground.

  He knelt and slapped her face, bringing her back to consciousness. “Wake up, sugar. You’re not done yet.”


  “Roll over and lean on your arms. I’m going to fuck that sweet ass of yours.”

  Like a puppet, she did as he commanded. Her thoughts were foggy and she had no will of her own. Her throat hurt and her scalp felt on fire. She took a deep breath and then screamed as she felt something thick and pointy stab her from the rear. “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God! Stop! Please stop!”

  Once more a cruel hand grabbed her hair and turned her head around. She looked into the face of a devil. And blanked out.

  Tzahyad snarled. He’d lost control again. The sow had seen his true form. He reformed his features once more and slapped her face. “Wake up, sugar. You scared me. Why, honey girl, you frightened me when you fainted.”


  He nodded. “Almost as soon as we got here. Now, let me lie back and you can ride your Beau all night long.”

  She giggled, soothed by his concern. “And you can suck my titties like you did at the motel. I liked that. A lot.”

  Tzahyad smiled. His little victim was going to like what he did to her even more.

  * * * * *

  Tony Dominguez rubbed his eyes and the back of his neck and sighed. It was late. He’d spent most of the afternoon conducting his investigation of Bill’s death. The autopsy revealed exactly what he’d thought it would -- Bill’s death was self-inflicted, a combination of the pills he’d taken and the wounds on his wrists. Tony knew Bill’s mother wouldn’t be happy with his findings, but she’d have to learn to live with it.

  What a pisser of a day and a hell of a welcome home.

  He’d returned to Greenrock for one reason.


  He knew she’d never believe him. She was so different from the type of girls he’d dated in high school. And he’d dated a lot. He’d gone from one girl to another, never letting any one of them get close. Except in the sack.

  It was easy to get girls to screw. They all wanted to see if the Mexican was as hot as they’d heard.

  Putas, all of them.

  They disregarded the fact that his grades were so good, he’d been in the top ten percent of his class. When he stayed in town to help out his Tia Anita run her restaurant, no one remarked on it.

  Except one.

  Perhaps because she didn’t think he could be interested in her in a romantic way, she treated him like an older brother and for that very reason, she couldn�
��t see that he was well aware of her real feelings for him.

  The last time he saw her on a hot, summer night, both his body and his need were naked. He understood now that Patty’s feelings of self worth were so low, she’d never have realized how alluring he found her. Her generous curves and generous nature called to him.

  When Tia Anita passed away later that year, there was nothing to keep him in town. He used his inheritance from her and his high grades to study to become a forensic pathologist.

  He stared at the little slip of paper Julie had given him in return for his number. He could call Patty tonight or try to catch her on the phone at her store on Monday.

  He hesitated.

  He hadn’t thought about it, but what if she had someone in her life now? He had to chance it.

  He entered his reports, faxed a copy of his results to the sheriff’s office and locked up his office. His four-door sedan parked in his reserved spot made him smile. It had been wrenching to give up his Harley, but he’d needed the extra capital to put down a deposit on a house on the outskirts of town. His vintage bike had caught the eye of a collector on eBay and he’d sold it for a sum far above what he’d put into it.

  So, here he was back in town with a steady career, a family car and a house.

  He was ready to court his palomita.

  He tossed his jacket into the back seat, whipped off his tie and opened the top buttons on his Brooks Brothers shirt. He felt a bit more like himself, but it would take getting into his jeans and t-shirt to really be comfortable.

  He pulled into the drive and grabbed up his discarded garments. The realtor called the house a fixer-upper, but Tony didn’t care. The idea of living in a single-family house, and not over a shop as he had with Tia Anita, made this house a palace.

  He changed clothes quickly, got a beer from the fridge and settled into the well-cushioned couch in front of the fireplace. That had been the final selling point. He pictured Patty lying next to him on the couch, her curly red hair a bright spot against his heart.