Noone Else on Earth Read online

Page 16

  He responded with utmost solemnity. “They transmitted the entire event ... with running commentary ... throughout the galaxy ... and multiple dimensions and parallel worlds.”

  Julie pushed and Mike rolled off her onto his back on the bed. She swung her leg over him, sitting on his middle, the cleft of her buttocks nudging against his semi-erect cock.

  “You, mister, are pulling my leg just a little too hard. For that you must be punished.” With an evil gleam in her eyes, she wriggled her fingers, bent down and tickled him.

  Within seconds they were tousling amid the twisted bed linen, laughing like demented five-year-olds. Mike soon had her on her belly, his hands twined with hers, holding on to the headboard.

  “My turn, amitee. Get ready to get your sweet little ass fucked, darlin’.”

  Julie looked over her shoulder, an answering twinkle in her eyes. “I thought we said no talking, just action?”

  “We did indeed. Here you go.”

  And he plunged in, taking her deep and hard.

  * * * * *

  Tory sat by her phone counting the minutes until one o’clock. Would Rick keep his promise to call?

  The phone rang and Elvis’s “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” played. The caller ID glowed and Rick’s number appeared.


  “Rick? I’m so glad to hear your ...”

  “I can’t believe you picked up ...”

  Their words tumbled over each other as they spoke at the same time.

  “God, Tory, you sound just as sexy as in high school!”

  “Me? Sexy?” She giggled. “I used to get my panties damp just listening to you read your papers in English class!”

  Rick’s roar of laughter sent a smile to linger on her face.

  “Oh, babe, if you only knew how often I volunteered in the school library so I could watch your pretty little mouth make that pouty little face as you concentrated. You’d twirl your hair and frown when you couldn’t quite understand the text.” He laughed. “Hell, I used to pretend I was re-shelving books so I could stand near your table. I knew which free period you came to the place and made sure I volunteered that hour!”

  Tory giggled again. “No, you didn’t. I wondered why a guy who was on the basketball team spent his free time as a library volunteer. I thought you were doing it for extra credit.”

  “The only thing extra I got out of it was the extra opportunity to look at you and try not to get a hard-on behind the checkout counter.”

  They both laughed and then quieted.

  “Tory, I want to make love with you so much it hurts.”

  With more daring than she knew she had, Tory took a deep breath and spoke to him. “We could make love now.”


  “Tell me where you’re calling me from. What room?”

  “The living room. I just finished a late breakfast and I took my coffee over to the couch.”

  “So, you’re nice and comfortable?”

  “Yeah. Where are you?”

  “In my bedroom, lying on my bed.”

  “Oh? You wearing anything special?”

  “Yes ... nothing.”

  Tory could hear Rick’s sharp intake of breath.

  “Oh, shit, oh, babe, my cock just got hard as a rock!”

  Tory groaned softly.

  “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, I’m more than okay. I’m wet. And I’m hot, so hot. I’m burning.”

  “I wish I was there to take care of you.”

  “What would you do?”

  Rick’s voice deepened, the velvety edge growing stronger. “First, I’d take my jeans off, so we’d be naked together. I’d ask you to spread your legs so I could admire you for a minute. Then, I’d cup your full, round ass and raise you to my mouth. I’d stick my tongue as deep as I could in your pussy and I’d eat you. I’d lick every bit of cream that your sweet little pussy made, and then I’d make you creamy again. You’d come apart in my hands and I’d lift you up and set you down right over my prick. I’d sink so deep inside you, they wouldn’t be able to tell where you ended and I began.” He paused. “That’s what I’d do sweetheart. As often as I got the chance.”

  Tory couldn’t speak.


  “I ... oh, God, Rick, I just came.”

  His voice grew as soft as a whisper. “Me, too.”

  “When did you say you were flying in?”

  “Wednesday, now. The earliest flight I can get to Harrisburg. I’ll rent a car. Can you get off work?”

  “I’ll call in a sick day. Rick, let me meet you at the airport.” Her voice wobbled. “There’s a motel there. We can ...”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” He laughed. “I don’t think I could drive in the shape I’d be in!”

  “Rick, I think I have another call coming. I’ll let them leave a message.”

  “That’s okay, Tory. I have some work I’d better get at so I won’t feel guilty when I cut out this week.”

  “Oh, maybe we should wait.”

  “Hell, no. That’s the beauty of being your own boss. I can play hooky when I want to, and I sure as hell want to! Don’t worry. I’ll have everything all squared away before I leave.”

  Tory chuckled. “Good. I don’t want you to get in trouble with your boss.”

  He laughed. “I know how to handle him. Just keep him happy, and I know he’ll be happy with you. See you this week, babe.”

  “Wednesday. Email me your flight information.”

  “Will do.”

  Tory hung up the phone and sighed. She’d never been as happy in her life. She checked the voice mail. The caller had left a message. The mechanical voice informed her that Connie had phoned. Could she and Gary already have set a date for a wedding?

  “Tory? It’s Connie.” A pause. “He’s dead. Bill’s dead. Please get over to Gary’s, please. Please ... I don’t ... I need ...”

  “Tory? Gary. Better meet us over at Connie’s old place as fast as you can. Bill’s mother called here a little while ago. Connie answered and his mom went ballistic. Started screaming and said Connie’d killed Bill. The police are over at their house, and I think Connie’s going to need as much moral support as possible. I called up the other girls. Shit. What a mess. Just meet us there, okay?”

  The phone dropped from Tory’s nerveless fingers. She couldn’t move. Reaction suddenly sank in and she ran to her closet, threw on some clothes and shoes and ran out of the bedroom. She grabbed her purse as she dashed out of the house and into her car. Her hands shook so badly that at first she couldn’t fit the key in. She rested her head against the wheel for a minute, took a deep, calming breath and tried again. Success.

  She only prayed she’d remember how to get to Connie’s.

  * * * * *

  Patty woke up to the jarring ring of the phone next to her bed. She turned over and pulled the blanket over her head trying to block out the sound. As the caller’s voice echoed over the speaker, she sat bolt upright, listening in horror and disbelief to the message.

  “Patty? Gary. There’s been some sort of an accident. Bill’s dead over at Connie’s house. We’re going over there right now. Please meet us. Connie’s in bad shape. Bill’s mom found him and when she called me as his best friend for help, Connie answered. She went nuts, threatened her, said she’d killed her Billy Boy and she’d see Connie arrested! I’ve called the other girls. Please, try to get here. Connie’s coming apart.”

  Patty grabbed the phone. “Gary? I’m getting dressed, and I’ll be right over! Don’t worry. If Connie needs money, I’ll sell the bookstore and ...”

  “Easy, Patty. She hasn’t been arrested or anything like that. We’re leaving right now. Just be there for her. You and the others are her oldest friends. With you girls and me in her corner, I’m sure everything will work out.” He growled. “That son of a bitch, even dead he’s hurting her!”

  “I’ll be there, Gary.”

  “Good. And thanks.”

* * * *

  “Julie, your bag is ringing.”

  “My? My cell phone! I left it on. Who could it be? I figured no one would call unless it was an emergency. Oh, shit, the club!”

  She dived off the bed and ran to the chair where she’d left her bag. Not wasting time rummaging through it, she turned it upside down and the phone fell out amidst a comb, brush, lipstick, checkbook and other typical debris to be found in a woman’s purse. She pressed the button, praying she’d catch the caller before they hung up.

  “Julie? Connie. Thank goodness I found your cell phone number!” Connie’s tinny sounding voice was filled with tears. “It’s Bill. He’s dead! His mom found him at our house. She started screaming at me the minute she realized who had picked up. She called me a slut! Said she knew she’d find me one day in some other man’s bed and with Bill’s body hardly cold! She called the police and they’re at the house and she says she’s going to have me arrested and oh, Christ, Julie, I don’t know what to do!”

  Julie could faintly hear Gary’s voice in the background before he got on the phone.

  “Julie. It’s a mess. I don’t know what the hell is going on exactly. We’re going over there as soon as possible. All the other girls are going to meet us. I think we’re going to need all the back up we can get for this. What a frigging mess. Should we pick you up?”

  “No, no I’ll get there somehow. Don’t worry. Oh, God, Gary. I thought maybe the club had burned down. I’d rather that was it!”

  “Just get there, boss.”

  “I will.”

  Julie cut off the phone and stared into space, numb.

  “I heard. You have to go. We’ll try to get out from the back. Tzahyad probably went hunting last night when he couldn’t find you.” He shook his head. “We’ll have to chance it. He’ll be less likely to try anything in broad daylight. I’ll deactivate the shielding device after we’re inside your house. If he tried to find you there, I doubt he hung around. You can call a taxi from there.” He sighed. “I wish I could be with you, amitee, but it wouldn’t make sense. Call me as soon as you can.”

  Julie nodded, tears perilously close. She had a gut feeling that somehow Tzahyad was involved with Bill’s death.

  * * * * *

  “I want everybody back behind the barriers, please.” Marty Driscoll turned to the new chief deputy coroner and cursed under his breath. “Sorry about the side show. Bill’s mother made enough of a ruckus after she called us to wake the dead, pardon my expression.”

  “Yeah and she still hasn’t quieted down. I remember they were really close. I’m sure it came as quite a shock for her to find him like that.”

  Driscoll snorted. “Close? She was screaming about her poor Billy Boy being done in by his slutty wife as soon as the 911 operator picked up.”

  “Connie? A slut? That sweet kid? I’m glad she didn’t say that in my presence.”

  “Yeah, Gary got her a bit calmed down before you got here, but she didn’t know Bill and Connie separated just the other day. Connie’s staying over at Gary’s.” Driscoll related the sequence of events to the CDC; by the time he was finished, Julie, Tory, and Patty had pulled up.

  “So that’s why she was shooting daggers at them. I’m glad I just needed to collect evidence and leave you to deal with her!”

  Driscoll looked over the CDC’s shoulder and cursed again. “Uh-oh, her friends are here. They’re in business together now. I figured she’d want them to come by for moral support.” He spat into the dust. “Don’t know how I’m gonna keep ’em away from her.”

  “Let me talk to them.”

  Driscoll shrugged. “Hell, go right ahead. Maybe they’ll listen to you. I’ll see if I can get Bill’s mother out of here.” He hurried back into the house, leaving the CDC to deal with the women.

  The CDC turned and took in the three anxious females charging up to the house. He knew them. One in particular had haunted his dreams ever since he left town. He took a deep breath. Hell of a way to meet up again after so many years.

  “Ladies, I’m sorry, you have to stay behind the barrier for now. We’re not quite through with the investigation.”

  All three stopped dead in their tracks. It wasn’t what was said that did it, it was who said it.

  Tony Dominguez.

  Patty thought her heart would stop beating. Tony stood before her just like in her dreams. Well, not quite. He was completely dressed in a loosened tie, open jacket and pressed slacks and his beautiful, long curly hair had been cut to just below his ears. His eyes, though, were still the color of sherry and filled now with determination and concern.

  She didn’t even realize he was still speaking or that the other girls had already greeted him. Then she heard him speak her name.

  “Patty, Julie, Tory, I know you’re all worried about Connie, but as soon as we finish the investigation here and I gather my gear, you’ll be able to see her. The sheriff’s almost finished talking to her.”

  Patty finally found her voice. “Tony, I’m happy to see you. Are you the new coroner? We heard that Alan Drucker was retiring.”

  “Chief deputy coroner for now. When he retires in the fall, I’ll assume all of his duties.” He paused. “It’s good to see you again, Patty. You’re looking good; you haven’t changed a bit.”

  “You have.” As soon as the words popped out of her mouth, she wished them back in. Fortunately, Tony wasn’t offended. Instead, he laughed aloud.

  “I know. Who would have ever thought I’d cut my hair and trade in my Harley for a four- door sedan?”

  “I suppose your wife must be happy you don’t take any chances.”

  He shook his head. “No wife. But when I decided to do something with my life, I cut the hair and ditched the Harley. Look, there are still a few things left to be done inside.” He turned to Julie and Tory standing nearby and shamelessly eavesdropping. “I had to take a breather. Bill’s mother was going to drive me and the sheriff nuts!”

  Julie drew closer. “Can you give us a hint what happened? Was it an accident?”

  Tony shook his head. “I’m almost positive I know what happened, but until I’ve confirmed my results, I really can’t say. Look, I’m going back inside now. As soon as one of you can go in, I’ll come out and nod.”

  Tory gave Julie’s shoulder a little pat. “Julie should go. She gave Connie a place to stay the first night she moved out. Maybe they’ll want to talk with her.”

  Tony nodded. “Good thinking and that’ll give her being there a bit more credence.” He turned and started down the walk back to the house. “Shouldn’t be long.”

  The girls watched in silence as he left. Julie and Tory looked at each other, then at Patty.

  “Well?” Julie put a world of meaning in the one word.

  “Well what? He’s still gorgeous, and I’m still not his type.”

  Tory snorted inelegantly. “Yeah, right. He didn’t look at me and Julie like he wanted to eat us.”

  “By the way, girlfriend, very nice move about the wife.” Julie patted Patty on the back. “He’s available. Wow, who would have thought it about Tony? I didn’t think he cared about anything but fast bikes and ...” She stopped and blushed.

  “Fast women?” Patty shrugged. “I think some of that was exaggerated ’cause of his looks. And that bike, of course.” She looked toward the house. “He just stepped outside and nodded, Julie. Go on.”

  Tory whispered. “Yeah, let us know everything.”

  “I’ll tell you whatever they say I can ... and more if you swear not to tell.”

  “BBG bond.”

  * * * * *

  Julie approached the door just as a body bag was wheeled out to a waiting ambulance. She shuddered as it struck home that someone she’d known most of her life was inside it.

  Tony stood by the door, waiting for her. “Sorry you were there just now.” He gestured inside. “The sheriff had to forcibly restrain Bill’s mother from going in the ambulance with it. God, what a shrew. I know sh
e’s hysterical with grief. And guilt, but ...”


  “Shit, I shouldn’t have said that.” He sighed. “Listen, please don’t say anything when you go in, but it’s pretty definite that Bill killed himself. Guilt from the survivors is very common.”


  He nodded. “Yeah. It’s even tougher for her because her son just committed a sin in her eyes.” His gaze turned steely. “She’d rather blame Connie or anybody else, but there’s no evidence to the contrary at this point, and I doubt I’ll find any after the autopsy. Look, go on in now. I’ve got to get to the hospital.” He paused and dug into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small pad and pen. Quickly he scribbled down his name and phone. “I don’t have any cards made up yet. Could you give this to Patty, please?” He grinned suddenly and a devilish dimple appeared in his cheek and he looked like the bad boy from high school again.

  “Wait, here’s her number.” Ripping off a piece from the slip of paper, she scribbled down some numbers.

  “Muchas gracias, chica.”

  He strode over to his car and left a bemused Julie holding onto the small piece of paper. Suddenly, the day seemed a bit better. Tony did have the hots for her friend!

  “I’ll fight any insurance claim she makes! She killed him and when I prove it I’ll have her put away! I told him she was a slut! Sleeping with his best friend, hah!”

  The strident voice of Bill’s mother rang out like a gunshot. Julie hurried into the house to find everyone in the dining room by a card table. The room was barren without Connie’s furniture.

  A short, skinny woman with iron-gray curls, dressed in a plain beige wool coat stood by a folding chair placed by the table. Connie and Gary sat next to each other holding hands. Gary looked fit to kill, but Connie seemed to have shrunk. Spit flew from the raging woman’s mouth as she gestured violently with her handbag, swinging it as though it were a weapon.

  Braving injury, Julie moved toward her and spoke, diverting her attention.

  “Mrs. Majors, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.”

  The woman’s head swiveled around like an owl’s and she gawked at Julie. A string of spittle hung from her mouth. Her nostrils flared as she growled at her. “You! You’re the reason this cow thought to leave my boy! You put ideas in her head! You might as well have put the razor in his hand!”