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Noone Else on Earth Page 15

  She smiled. “I can’t believe how good we’re doing. The women went nuts tonight. It’s going to be some heck of a week.”

  Patty and Connie were waiting outside, chatting quietly and visibly relieved when Gary and Tory joined them.

  “I can’t believe Bill didn’t show up tonight and make a scene.” Connie shrugged her shoulders. “Do you think he finally got it through his thick head that we’re through? That I wasn’t going to take any more abuse?”

  Tory and Patty crowded round her, embracing her and Tory grinned. “I think we scared him off with our BBG power!”

  Everyone cracked up, lightening the mood. Gary walked Tory and Patty to their cars, making sure they were safe. As Tory buckled up, Connie leaned in through her window. “You think Julie is okay? Did she say she’d call when she got home?”

  Tory shook her head. “She said she’d leave her cell on if we needed her, but she shut the ringer off her home phone. She kept insisting she was only a bit tired. It’s been a busy few days.”

  “I’m glad you took care of the dressing room for her.”

  “Me, too. Listen, have a good night, you guys.” She grinned, a touch of mischief in her voice. “A very good night.”

  Within minutes the parking lot was empty and the club silent.

  Except for the muttered cursing of the frustrated predator.

  * * * * *

  Julie paced back and forth in her bare feet within the confines of Mike’s motel room. She knew exactly how many steps it took to walk from one side to the other. There was a small welcome basket on the dresser with some fruit, cheese and crackers and she’d put together a makeshift meal. Washing everything down with a can of soda she’d found also on top of the dresser, she’d settled back on the bed for a few minutes. But she was restless, scared and frustrated.

  When would Mike get here?

  Glancing at the clock did nothing to make the time go faster. Pacing soon turned into a hypnotic activity. Her mind grew blank and her steps automatic.

  “Julie, it’s me. Let me in.”

  She jumped.

  Mike’s whispered plea broke through her preoccupation like a shout. Quickly, she unlocked the door, dragging him inside.

  He tossed his helmet on the chair and grabbed her, raining kisses on her face as they murmured meaningless, incoherent endearments.

  “God, I thought you’d never get here. I was so scared he’d find you out.”

  Mike moved them toward the bed, his fingers unbuttoning her blouse and flinging it aside. “I left as fast as I could. I think I broke a few speed limits getting here.” He unclasped her bra and tossed that away, too.

  Julie’s hands weren’t idle either. Half naked, she pulled off Mike’s black t-shirt and threw it to join her blouse. Unzipping his jeans, she drew them down his legs, his cock springing free as they slid past his thighs.

  She knelt before him and eyed the glistening dab of pre-cum. With a light groan, she leaned forward and took him deep within her mouth. She sucked his thickness, licking him, eating him.

  Mike gripped Julie’s head, involuntarily bucking as she enveloped him. He moved in sharp, short thrusts and came within seconds.

  Julie sat back on the floor, looking up at him with a well-satisfied grin. “Well, so much for the foreplay. Should we take our clothes off and get serious?”

  Mike roared with laughter.

  “Hush, you’ll wake up your neighbors!”

  “No need to worry. The shielding device blocks any sound, too.” Kicking off his shoes and doffing his jeans, he laid down on the bed, watching with unfeigned admiration as Julie shucked off her slacks and panties.

  She sank next to him, closing her eyes and cuddling.

  “This is nice.” She smoothed her hand down his chest, caressing him. “Will we need to wait long before we can ...?”

  Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he drew her hand to his lips and kissed her. “One of the benefits of being bonded, darling.” He grinned. “Why, give a look. See who’s ready for another round.”

  Julie opened her eyes and gazed on Mike’s burgeoning erection. “He does look eager for some more fun.”

  “This time we’ll take it nice and slow and easy.” His smile grew wicked. “I don’t guarantee easy. In fact, I’d say, hard. Very, very hard.”

  Julie watched in amazement as Mike’s cock thickened and lengthened. She scooted down and cupped his balls, finding them heavy and tight. She licked her lips.

  Mike cracked up. “Greedy little devil, aren’t you?”

  She nodded.

  Reaching down, Mike pulled her up and over so that she straddled him. “Well, I’d rather have you ride me then eat me right at the moment.” He grinned wolfishly. “And then after, it’ll be my turn to eat you. Ready? Then ride me, baby.”

  Julie sank down on him, taking him in as deep as she could. He was even bigger than the last time. Amazingly, she found her body could accommodate him. Perhaps it was due to the bonding? She felt him touching her womb, creating the most amazing sensations.

  She rocked back and forth, taking her time, moaning as Mike joined her in the sensuous movements. His fingers played with her nipples and kneaded her breasts. Little by little, she sped up the motion. Her inner muscles clenched around his prick. She flung her head back, her hair draping their joined flesh like a living curtain. She sighed.

  “Yes. Oh, God. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ... yes!”

  As she spasmed around his cock, his fangs sank deep into her breast, his body’s elixir streaming through her system.

  She burned. Fire sizzled. Fireworks exploded. Her fingers dug deep in his thigh muscles. Her nails drew little, blood-red pinpricks.

  She screamed with abandon, secure in the knowledge that no one could hear her. As the last passionate wave washed over her, she collapsed on Mike’s body, her chest heaving.

  “Well, my darling, did I satisfy you?”

  “I think if I were any more satisfied, I’d be dead!”

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad was not satisfied. He’d taken his time getting to Julie’s house. He didn’t expect to see her car, since he knew she’d taken a taxi home. He didn’t expect to see the lights on since she’d expressed her fatigue. But, when he entered her house through the back kitchen window he smashed, he did expect to find her in bed asleep.

  She wasn’t. Not only that, she wasn’t even in the house!

  He snarled with frustration.

  By the Great Sex Master, where was she?

  He couldn’t go chasing through the town looking for her. He’d paid no attention to the car service she’d hired to take her from the club and he certainly wasn’t going to call around to find it.

  She could be anywhere.

  He knew she wouldn’t be with the plump blonde and her sex partner. They wished to be alone. He could try the female he’d let slip through his hands earlier in the dressing room, but he doubted it. The woman had expressed a wish for Julie to get a good night’s rest. She wouldn’t have wanted to disturb her.

  Could the female be with one of the contestants?

  He got into his rental car and sped toward the motel.

  Pulling into the parking lot, he walked by each of the ground floor rooms where the contestants were staying. Some of the men didn’t have cars, so he couldn’t determine who was in their room by the number of cars in the lot. The motorbike the contestant Mike drove wasn’t in the lot, so he most likely was out trolling for females. Or males. He could hear moans of physical passion coming from two voices in one of the rooms, but both were male. He heard the giggles of an unfamiliar female coming from Beau’s room. Wait, two unfamiliar females. His cock stirred. At any other time he’d join one or more of these couplings, but he had to find the tracer’s lover.

  He stalked back to his car, flinging the door open and throwing his butt in the driver’s seat. Slamming the door, he smacked his fists on the steering wheel. His features contorted as rage overcame his control. Growling
, he reasserted his power.

  He’d take a chance and drive over to his little sub. If Julie wasn’t there, at least he could get a good fuck out of prim Miss Patty.

  * * * * *

  Patty turned off the lights and turned up the volume on one of her favorite Spanish love songs. Placido Domingo’s liquid tenor caressed the words to “En Aranjuez con Tu Amor.” She melted boneless onto the bed as his voice sent chills down her spine. She could envision Tony, her dream lover, crooning the melody to her, setting her on fire with his song.

  She moaned and sighed, weeping with the beauty of Domingo’s solo.

  Where was her lover?

  As the last notes died away, she turned her face into the pillow and tried to sleep.

  Her breathing evened out and soon she was dreaming. Such a vivid dream, she could almost feel a strong masculine body next to hers.

  “Wake up, Patty cake. Time for some fun.”

  “Let me sleep. Wanna dream.”

  The voice deepened, took on the tone of her high school crush. “Why dream, I’m here.”


  “Tony? Who is Tony?”

  Patty responded still within the thrall of her dreams and giggled. “Silly, you, Tony Dominguez.”

  Tzahyad smiled. So, the submissive female had a dream lover. “Tell me more. Describe me.”

  “You know what you look like.”

  “But I don’t know what you think I look like. Tell me.”

  She smiled, her eyes still closed. “Okay, I’ll play. You’re five-foot eleven, not quite six-foot tall. Your hair is dark and curly, down to your shoulders.” She sighed. “I felt it that day you took me home. I leaned my face against your shoulder and it clung to me. Your nose is strong and straight. Your eyes are the color of Spanish sherry with thick brows. You’re built like a swimmer. I remember what you looked like when you came out of the water that night. And your voice.” She sighed once more. “It has just a hint of an accent. There, how did I do?”

  As she spoke Tzahyad rearranged his features. By the time she was done, Tony Dominguez’s mother would have embraced him as her son.

  “You played your part very well. Open your eyes, Patty cake, and I’ll give you your reward.”

  Patty did as the voice commanded and gasped. Lying in her bed was Tony Dominguez. The dim moonlight revealed his nude body. His thick, curly hair tumbled about his broad shoulders.

  Frozen with astonishment, she said nothing as inch by inch, he pulled down the satin sheet covering her. She lay nude atop the ruby red sheets.

  “Are you ready for your reward, amor?”

  Wordlessly, Patty nodded. If this were a dream she wanted to never wake up.

  “Roll over onto your stomach, grab the headboard and close your eyes. I know where you keep all your toys and I found the key. We’re going to play with every one of them. Starting with these.”

  She felt the padded cuffs go around her wrists binding her to the bed.

  “Raise that pretty, plump ass, darling. I’m going to do something that will sting a little, but I know it will pleasure you a lot. Ready? Good.”

  Patty held her breath, not sure what Tony would do. Would he spank her? Take the long, thick vibrator with the prongs and thrust it up her ass? Would he ...?

  She screamed as the first lash from her whip fell across her buttocks. It stung, but Tony seemed to know just how hard to ply it. She could feel her skin grow hot as he struck over and over using just enough strength to redden but not tear her skin.

  She grew damp as he continued his sexual torture. Her muscles clenched as she drew closer to coming. She arched and pulled against her bonds, a helpless captive, not knowing whether he’d go too far and draw blood.

  Suddenly, he stopped.

  “Are you ready to be fucked? Do you want to be fucked? Beg me to fuck you.”

  “Please, please, please, please, please ... ah!”

  His massive cock, bigger than she remembered, longer, thicker rammed into her and she came, screaming. He grabbed her hard by her hair, drawing her near his mouth. “I’m glad you like it rough. You’ll give me enough energy to last for days. You’ve earned your reward. I won’t drain you dry. But you will forget this night. Too bad, Patty cake, tonight’s fucking will be even better than last night.” He licked her neck. “Delicious. I’ll be back again. You’ll give your Tony everything, won’t you?” He pulled again and she screamed. “Answer me, puta, or I’ll leave right now. What will you give me?”


  Chapter Twelve

  “Nothing! Every plan we come up with involves putting you in jeopardy.” Mike ran his fingers through his hair, wildly disarranging the thick strands. He knelt by Julie’s feet, grasped her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “I can’t ask you to take such a chance, sweetheart.”

  “Mike, my taking a chance is the only way you’re going to catch Tzahyad.”

  He shook his head, but Julie plowed on through.

  “And the only way I’ll finally feel safe is for you to identify him and transport him to prison.”

  “Okay, all right, I give up. You’re right.” He stood and offered her his hand. Barefoot and bare-chested, his jeans hugging lean hips he looked sexy as sin and just as seductive, dark and dangerous as when she’d first seen him. How could she have known just how dangerous it would be to love him?

  “Let’s stay here in your room today and plan.” Julie leaned back against the headboard and arched her back, thrusting her breasts. She wore his shirt unbuttoned, the crisp cotton clinging to her breasts. She’d washed her panties and while they dried, she’d borrowed his shirt and a pair of his boxers. They caressed her ample curves, the silk soft against her skin. When Mike did wear underwear, he wore the best.

  Mike eyed her seductive pose and grinned, his spirits rising along with a massive hard-on. “What exactly were you planning?”

  Julie rose up on her knees, her breasts like fruit ripe for the plucking. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe a mid-day mind-blowing orgasm ... or two?”

  Mike gazed into her eyes and saw hiding deep within the same fear he felt. Their time together could be very, very brief; their opportunity to make love over too soon. He shook off his fear. There was no place for it in this room.

  “Only a mind-blowing orgasm or two? I was thinking maybe three or four ... or more.”

  Julie patted the mattress. “Well, don’t just think about it. C’mere, handsome.”

  Mike slipped off his jeans so quickly they caught on one heel. Julie laughed as he hopped around, trying to get untangled. She fell back as he dived onto the bed with her, the springs creaking in protest.

  “Easy there, lover. You may be lean and lanky, but I’m not.”

  “No, you’re a perfect handful.” He squeezed and fondled her tits, sighing with satisfaction. “Two hands full.” He leered playfully. “And all mine.” He drew her close and slipped off the voluminous shirt. “Lean back. I want to take those boxers off you. As delectable as you look in them, I really think I prefer you naked.” He slid them down, relishing the feel of her skin, softer than any silk. Totally nude, she lay on the faded motel sheets, waiting for his next move.

  “Let me get some more of that lubricant.” He grinned. “We’re going to need it!”

  Liberally pouring the stimulating lotion on his palms, he capped the vial and put it on the nightstand. He leaned forward and gently massaged Julie’s breasts, leaving them glistening. Her nipples drew his interest and he took one deep into his mouth, suckling it, biting and licking the rosy bud, driving Julie insane. She wrapped her legs around his flanks and bucked beneath him.

  Raising his lips from their feasting, he moved up her body and straddled her, his prick hovering at the entrance to her core.

  “What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?” She smiled, then sighed, her smile fading as she voiced her feelings aloud. “Mike, I don’t want to waste any time in fooling around. I feel so desperate; I just want to ma
ke love to you without any talking or thinking. Just take me and don’t stop loving me.”

  He drew her hand to his lips and kissed the soft skin of her palm. “As you wish, amitee.”


  Mike’s voice softened. “There are a few words that are unique to my kind. Amitee means simply ‘my bonded mate.’ It’s the same for male or female. If you are bound, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Then you’re my amitee, also?”

  He nodded.

  “Then make love to me, amitee.”

  With one swift move, Mike surged into Julie’s welcoming body. They moved together without speaking, only the soft moans and sighs as they met skin-to-skin disturbing the quiet of the room.

  Mike’s thrusts increased in power and speed. He grunted with the effort to hold on to the energy building within him. His fangs descended and his fingers gripped Julie’s shoulders so hard, his short nails left crescent marks on her soft skin.

  Julie arched against him, revealing her neck to his avid gaze. Her hands slid toward his butt and she clung to him. As his motions became more frenzied it was like trying to hold on to a wild creature. She could tell that she was close to coming and she wanted to savor that sensation of anticipation as long as she could.

  But she couldn’t, not when she felt the sharp prick of Mike’s fangs in her neck feeding her and feeding from her in the most intimate way.

  She came, thrashing and bucking, screaming and creaming, sweat pouring, tears streaming.

  She passed out and awoke to frantic kisses covering her face.

  “Julie, Julie, amitee, are you all right?”

  “Hush, I’m fine. I just never expected that when I said mind-blowing it was really going to be mind-blowing!”

  Relieved, Mike hugged her close and laughed. “You know I’m a man of my word! That’s what I promised you, and that’s what you’re going to get ... over and over again!”

  “Then let’s keep going. I want to set a record.”

  Mike winced. “The record is over two hundred times with enhanced sexual organs and energy boosters and hasn’t been broken in ten years.”

  She groaned and then giggled. “How do you know they didn’t lie?”