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Noone Else on Earth Page 13

  He redoubled his efforts, grunting with the force of his thrusts.

  She moaned.

  She flung back her head, her long black hair almost touching the ground. The pulse in her throat beat wildly, luring him to taste it again.

  He settled even deeper into her pussy, curving her body a bit and leaning over her, so that he could reach the slim column of her neck.

  He struck swifter this time, piercing her.

  She screamed and convulsed as her climax exploded.

  He spewed his seed into her even as he poured his essence into her bloodstream.

  It was done. They were bonded.

  Now what?

  Chapter Ten

  “Now what?”

  Mike cuddled Julie next to him in bed, reluctant to answer and destroy the moment. His mind still reeled with the force of their lovemaking.

  He couldn’t believe how responsive she was. Although he knew that his race could and did have sex with other humanoids, he had never heard of a bonding.

  Until now.

  Julie squirmed, settling deeper against his arousal. He tightened his grip on her breasts, playing with her nipples, hoping to distract her.

  He failed.

  “How can we flush out this Tzahyad guy?”

  “You mean me.” He paused and shook his head. “I still can’t believe that you don’t think I’m crazy. Any other woman would have run screaming out the door.”

  Julie shifted so that she faced him. “Listen, how could I not believe my eyes and my body? I’ve never felt like this before, never done anything as rash as what we did in the office. Why can’t you be some sort of a good vampire and Tzahyad, an evil one? I love fantasy romances. Why should only the skinny, blonde, too-stupid-to-live heroine get the guy?” She grinned. “Nope. I believe you, and I’m not going to sit around doing nothing while you go off fighting the evil monster.”

  Mike grinned. “You’re really incredible.” His grin faded as he sobered. “Please, Julie, this isn’t a book or a movie. Don’t do anything foolhardy.” He gripped her upper arms. “I lost my last partner because she got too close to Tzahyad.”

  Julie narrowed her eyes as a dart of jealousy shot through her. “And were you two close, too?”

  Mike sighed. “Marta liked females, that’s why she got so cocky. She thought she could resist Tzahyad. Hell, she thought she could tell the difference between him as a shape-shifted female and a real woman. She couldn’t. She got too close when she tried to get the amulet from him. She didn’t bother to conceal her tattoo ID. When Tzahyad saw it, he knew she was an agent. He morphed back into a male and fucked her to death. His sperm is deadly corrosive. Without a special condom to contain it, it destroyed her from within.” He shuddered. “It wasn’t pretty. She was dying in excruciating pain until I ...” His voice dwindled to nothing and his eyes grew bleak.

  Julie spoke softly. “You killed her, didn’t you?”

  He nodded.

  “But you had to, you couldn’t let her suffer.”

  “I don’t want to do the same thing to you. You have to listen to me.” His upper lip curled into a slight smile. “Don’t be a TSTL heroine, huh?”

  Julie nodded. “Just call me Lara Croft. Now, what’s your plan?”

  Mike tweaked her nose. “Let’s get dressed first. It’s hard enough to think straight when you’re wearing clothes. It’s damn near impossible now.”

  Once their clothes were on, they headed to Julie’s kitchen. Seated at the kitchen table, watching Julie put on coffee, Mike tried to convince himself that everything would work out right. Lost in thought, he was unaware that she stood in front of him, until she flicked a dishtowel at him.

  “You were a thousand miles away.”

  Mike sighed. “More like another world.” He reached out and drew her onto his lap. Pushing her hair back behind her ear, he cupped her cheek. His thumb brushed her soft skin and then moved to her lush lips.

  She sighed against his fingers.

  “Damn, you are just so juicy.” His fangs dropped as he pulled her closer so that he could see the pulse beating in her neck. Her eyes fluttered close and her arms clutched his shoulders.

  She was primed for him, bound to him because of what they shared.

  And he couldn’t follow through.

  “Sweetheart, open your eyes. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let my hunger for you overwhelm me. If I can’t control myself, we’re in big trouble.”

  Julie opened her eyes, soft with love for the powerful male who held her with such tenderness.

  “Nothing to forgive, darling.” She smoothed back his hair from his forehead. Her bad boy. “It’s hard for me to keep my hands off of you, too.” She grinned. “Even your photo got me hot.” She got up and poured two cups of coffee. Bringing them over to the table, she sat down opposite him. “Okay, what’s our next move?”

  “First, we get back to Bad Boys. My bike can fit into the back of your SUV, and I’ll hunker down. When we get to the club, park in the back and leave your rear hatch open. I’ll activate my camouflage device, get the bike out, walk it into that wooded lot and come around to the front a little later. Find Connie and Gary and stay with them. I don’t want you to be alone and give Tzahyad a chance to get to you.” He put down his cup and reached over for her hand, twining his fingers with hers. “Are you okay with this, sweetheart?”

  Julie nodded. “And thanks for asking for my opinion. After that, what?”

  Mike shook his head.

  “We go on as if everything’s status quo. I have to catch him just after he feeds when his energy traces are still surging. Catch him, get the amulet, tag him, and send him to the Alliance.”

  Julie squeezed his fingers. “You’ll get him. I know you will.” She slapped her hands on the table and rose. “Well, cowboy, let’s get going.” She hesitated. “You don’t think he’s still around here?”

  “When he couldn’t sense your presence or mine, he would have left. Tzahyad doesn’t usually take chances. It would make more sense to him to go where he knows you’ll have to be. If we can keep you with Connie and Gary, he won’t be able to get close. Let me get my bike in the SUV. Have you got a tarp or a blanket I can throw over it?”

  Julie nodded, going to the walk-in pantry and returning with a folded up painter’s drop sheet under her arm.

  “This should do. I should have thrown it out after I painted the kitchen the beginning of the summer, but just didn’t get around to it. I’m glad now that I didn’t.”

  With his shielding device set, Mike loaded the cycle, covered it and crouched down. Keeping track from the kitchen window, Julie grabbed her bag, locked the front door and slid into the driver’s seat.

  “Hold onto your hat, boy. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” She grinned. “I always wanted to say that. Stay down. It will only take me a few minutes to get us to the club.”

  As they careened around the corners, Mike flattened as much as he could. He hadn’t realized that Julie drove like a NASCAR driver. Where were the cops when you needed one? Still, they managed to talk and come up with some new ideas regarding Tzahyad.

  They screeched into the lot and he heard the car door open and slam shut. The snick of the rear door lock followed next and then the sounds of Julie’s retreating footsteps.

  Waiting a few moments before he hoisted the bike and wheeled it away, Mike prayed that he’d be able to capture Tzahyad without any casualties.

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad, hidden in the shadows of the club, watched in silence as Julie entered and went straight to where Connie and Gary worked behind the bar. He realized that the place would be opening up for lunchtime customers and his chances of getting to her before the evening’s competition began would dwindle. He’d have to get her away from the others like cutting prey from the herd. He straightened up and moved out of the shadows. He gripped his Enhancer, experiencing an extra jolt of energy and concentrated it into his walk, striding toward her, every step oozing a passionat
e lure. He threw out his lust, aiming it at Julie, sure that she’d take the bait.

  He was wrong.

  * * * * *

  Julie’s nipples tightened. She felt a strange, insistent tug in her core. It wasn’t Mike.

  The door to the upstairs dressing room swung open and some of the guys tumbled into the barroom, jostling each other like kids.

  And breaking the tie. Mike walked in a few moments later and Julie relaxed. Had that tug deep in her pussy been Tzahyad? She took a breath and refocused on Connie and Gary’s concerns about the supply of cocktail onions. Something nice and mundane and definitely unsexy.

  “I didn’t expect you here so early, boss lady, but you look like you had a good night’s sleep.”

  Julie grinned. “You could say that. Any trouble?”

  Connie shook her head. “Uh-uh. Were you expecting any?”

  “No. I think I’ll check on the kitchen, see how things are going back there. We’ll be opening for lunch in a little while.”

  Connie nodded to where several of the contestants were sitting, going over the club’s menu.

  “I think the guys are hungry. Why not get their orders and we can get a jump on things.”

  “Good idea, hon. Let me get an order pad. Our waiters aren’t expected yet.”

  Julie noted that Mike was seated with several other men and her Sun God at one table. Seeing the two of them together could easily bring a lesser woman to her knees. Hell, a lesser man, too. They were like night and day, both beautiful both necessary to keep the world balanced.

  “What’ll you have, boys?”


  Everyone laughed at the quick retort coming from one of the openly gay men in the contest.

  Julie tossed her hair over her shoulder and grinned. “Sorry, sweetie pie, I’m not on the menu. Besides, I’d think you’d want Jose on a plate.” Mention of the lunch cook drew a concentrated sigh from the men.

  “Can I change my order, Miss Julie? I think Jose without any dressing sounds just right.”

  Knowing Jose was married with three children made Julie shake her head. “Sorry, guys, Jose bats for the other team.”

  “You sure he’s not a switch hitter?” Mike’s laconic question drew a snicker of laughter from the group.

  Julie laughed. “Pretty damn sure. Of course, you can ask him, but you might be taking your life in your hands.”

  “I do that every day.”

  A spontaneous outburst from Chief Mighty Stick drew a roar of groans.

  “Settle down guys. You’ve got a show tonight. Remember we’ll have some new ladies in the audience and some of the women from last night. Give it your best.”

  Enthusiastic applause greeted her words.

  Grabbing a cup of coffee while the men devoured their food, Julie went back into the kitchen, sat down in the little office there and tried not to think that one of the contestants was a cold-blooded alien vampire. Difficult to do when she’d just made love with a vampire from another dimension. Her mind raced with visions of B horror movies.

  “Bill was here earlier.” Connie’s voice dragged Julie’s attention back to the club.

  “What did he have to say, the bastard?”

  “He was drunk. Called me a cow and complained that he didn’t have a bed to sleep on.” Amazingly, she giggled. “I told him to go sleep with one of his sluts.” She frowned. “Gary told him he’d hurt him if he tried to hurt me.”

  Julie grasped her friend’s hand and squeezed gently. “I am so glad you told us what was going on, Connie. It took a lot of courage.”

  Connie squeezed back. “It was you, Julie. Just knowing that I could call you ... I’ll always be grateful.”

  Julie stood and stretched. “Well, we’ve got a show to run.” She yawned. “Don’t know why I’m so tired?”

  “You don’t?”

  Julie narrowed her gaze. “You know something I don’t know?”

  “I saw the way you kept looking at Dark and Dangerous. When he thought no one else was looking he looked like he could eat you with a spoon ... and already had.”

  “Did anybody else notice? Did you tell anybody else?”

  Connie stared. “I know we decided it would be a bad idea to get involved with the guys, but it’s not that serious. But, no, I’m sure I was the only one who could tell. No one knows you as well as I do, hon. And I haven’t told anyone, not even Gary, and I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

  Julie hugged Connie, giving her an extra squeeze. “Thanks, sweetie. Could you keep it to yourself, please? Not even tell Gary?”

  “BBG bond.”

  “Thanks, Connie.”

  * * * * *

  Tory scanned her email and sighed happily. She’d just sent Rick a picture. She thought it was one of her best, but there was no way she could hide her voluptuous frame, nor did she want to. He’d have to accept her the way she was. Then she heard the perky female voice announce, “You’ve got mail.”

  Her breath caught when she found the subject line of Rick’s email.

  Hello, Beautiful!

  Still as sexy as in high school. I can’t wait to perform with you.

  Was that a proposition? No, couldn’t be. Or could it?

  Do you have Instant Messenger? My handle is PA Pal. If you’re on, I’ll be on at 1:00. Hope to talk with you then.

  Tory printed out the accompanying photo. Rick was a little thinner on top and a little thicker around the middle, but he still sent her heart racing.

  She glanced at the clock. Almost one. With an unsteady finger she activated the IM and waited to see if PA Pal was online.

  He was.

  BBG TJ, is that you, Tory?

  Yes. Rick, it’s so good to talk with you.

  You said you still sing. I expected I’d be buying your records.

  Didn’t work out. I expected you’d be married to Cathy Madan.

  LOL. Didn’t work out. I’m still a bachelor. Guess it’s my business. You know how dangerous a life a forensic accountant leads. (G)

  LOL. Are you still planning on visiting Greenrock?

  Better believe it. Do you still want to perform with me?

  Better believe it. I’m gonna drag you to every karaoke bar in a fifty mile radius!

  Is that the only performing you want to do? You know I had the hots for you in HS. You still make me hot.

  Tory stared at the computer screen. Had Rick just said what she thought he said?

  Tory? Are you still there? I thought ... I’m sorry. I’m an asshole. I just thought that maybe ...

  Rick, I want to be with you, too. I used to dream of us together. I’d go home and play our rehearsal tapes and She stopped typing, took a deep breath, and continued. I’d make myself come.

  Baby, I had so many wet dreams about you I had to do my own laundry in case my mom started to get ideas. But all you seemed to be interested in was your music; you were so serious about it. Tory, I want to be with you. I want to make love to you. I want to feel that luscious body bucking under me. I want to hear your voice telling me to fuck you over and over. I want to smell your perfume on me when we’re skin to skin.

  Tory felt her panties dampen as she read Rick’s vivid words. Her nipples hardened as she imagined his deep, velvet voice saying them to her. When are you coming?

  LOL. Right now!

  Me, too. Rick, you’re not jerking me around?

  Babe, the only jerking around I want to do is inside you. I can’t wait to see you!

  Me, too. Rick, I need to sign off now. Can you call me tomorrow? On the phone? I want to hear your voice.

  You got it, babe. I want to hear your voice, too. I used to listen to our duet, too. I’d put on my headphones and turn off the light and picture you in my bed. Naked. You’d put that luscious mouth on me and suck. Hard. I’d come in seconds. I was really a minuteman then. LOL. Now, baby, give me the chance and I can make you happy for hours. Really happy. (VBEG)

  What’s VBEG?

  Very big evi
l grin.

  LOL Rick, I have to go offline now. We’ll talk on the phone tomorrow?

  Yeah. Same time? I have your number; I’ll call.

  Same time. I can’t wait!

  Me either. Tomorrow. Think of me?

  I will. Think of me?

  I will. Tomorrow.

  Tory got offline and sank back in her chair. Every nerve ending in her body tingled. She was so wet she knew she’d have to change her panties. She pictured Rick as she knew him in high school, lying in the dark and jacking off to her voice. And she never knew! If only ... But she knew now. She squirmed. Better go change her underwear before she went out to Real Bad Boys.

  * * * * *

  “Okay, guys, listen up. There’s been a change in plans. No one is going home before next Saturday. Friday was such a success, we decided to have you all stay and garner points to win. This way, if you’ve made any big fans, they’ll have the chance to come out every night and vote for you!” Julie grinned. “And you can make more money in tips. In fact, we’re going to have a little private competition. I’m going to encourage the audience to tip you guys as much as they like. At the end of the night, we’ll count up the cash and whoever has the most money will get an extra twenty-five points! What do you think, gang? Sound like fun?”

  Applause and ribald comments greeted Julie’s news. She and Mike had come up with the idea on the way in. They needed to keep Tzahyad in sight and if by some quirk he had been voted out, it would have been a lot harder to do so. Though Mike didn’t have a deadline, the sooner Tzahyad was captured, the better.

  Julie was torn. As soon as Tzahyad was caught, Mike wouldn’t have any reason to stay. He might say they were bonded, but how permanent was this bond? She was afraid to ask.

  “Okay, guys. There are women out there waiting for their fantasies, waiting for a real, bad boy. Let’s go!”

  While the contestants trooped down to wait in the small backstage area, Julie gathered up towels and wash cloths spotted with makeup and hair gel and threw them into a couple of laundry bags. She was just bending over to pick up some trash when she felt something thick and hard press against her rear.

  “I hoped you’d still be up here, darling. I locked the door behind me. I had to chance it.” Cool air washed over her as she felt her slacks and panties being dragged down.