Noone Else on Earth Read online

Page 12

They drove through the quiet neighborhood without anyone seeing them. Tzahyad took the house keys from Bill’s shaky hand and opened the door, automatically pocketing them.

  Bill tottered to the couch, almost falling onto the cushioned seat.

  “You’re really tense, buddy. I’ll get us a couple of beers.” Tzahyad entered the kitchen, found the chilled beer and carried them back into the living room, giving one to Bill, watching with contemptuous amusement as the human gulped it down.

  Taking the bottle from Bill’s lax fingers, Tzahyad set it down on the floor. “Here, you’re still tense. Let me help.”

  He sat next to the trembling male and placed his hands on his shoulders. Applying just the right amount of pressure to the tense muscles, he began a specialized form of sexual massage.

  Bill arched in unwilling pleasure. “What are you doing? I, oh God, that feels incredible.”

  Tzahyad sent out a tendril of sexual energy, watching with enjoyment as the male’s cock began to lengthen beneath his zipper.

  “Do you like it? I knew you would.” He shifted closer and slipped his hands lower down Bill’s back. His hot breath seared his ear. “Let me show you more.”

  Not waiting for permission, he slid his hands around to Bill’s thighs and kneaded the muscles there. Spreading his legs, granting him greater access, Bill made no demurral until Tzahyad moved to his crotch, pulled down the zipper and thrust his hands beneath the clothing, finding and fondling Bill’s erection.

  “What the fuck! Stop.”

  Aiming a burst of sexual power at the resisting male, Tzahyad released Bill’s pent-up desire for the human named Gary. Bill’s reluctance faded immediately.

  Tzahyad crooned to his victim. “I knew you’d like this. Doesn’t it feel good? Here, I’ll make it even better.”

  He released the male’s penis, slid off the couch, and knelt at Bill’s feet. Placing his hands to either side of the male’s hips, he raised his body so that he could easily take the rock-hard prick deep into his mouth.

  Bill’s response was even greater than Tzahyad hoped for.

  “Shit, Gary, oh, God, man. What the hell? Christ, Christ, that feels so good.” He gripped Tzahyad’s hair so tightly a human would have screamed in pain. Tzahyad only sucked harder on the thrumming male flesh.

  Bill bucked beneath Tzahyad’s clever, avid tongue, responding to the increasing rhythm with wilder and wilder movements until finally his seed gushed forth, filling Tzahyad’s mouth.

  As Bill’s orgasm struck, Tzahyad drained some but not all of his energy, envisioning a few hours more with the male.

  Gasping, Bill shut his eyes and flung back his head. He couldn’t quite catch his breath. His heart raced; his gut clenched. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to pee. He shoved his prick back into his pants.

  He had to get out of the room.

  “I feel like crap, man. I need to piss.”

  He rose, staggering a bit. He stared down at Gary, sitting on the floor in front of the couch, leaning back against it. Silent. Satisfied.

  “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

  * * * * *

  Bill entered the master bathroom and locked the door behind him. Though weak, he felt almost sober.

  What the hell had gone down out there? What the fuck had Gary done to him? He must have drugged him. Yeah, that was it. That beer. He put something in the beer. Why else would he have ...?

  Against his will he remembered the incredible sensation of Gary’s mouth on his dick.

  He shuddered.

  It was Connie’s fault. She’d stopped putting out. That’s why he ...

  He leaned over the sink and looked into his eyes staring back at him in the mirror.

  Gary’d tell. He’d tell everyone he was a homo. They’d laugh. They’d beat out his brains.

  His mother would die. It was a sin.

  Why the hell had Gary done that to him? They’d been like brothers. Closer than brothers. He loved him. He ... Shit. He thought of going through life branded a queer. What woman would want to fuck a fag?

  And every time he looked at Gary, he’d remember the fucking wonderful feel of his lips on his prick. Christ, even now he wanted to taste Gary’s cock. He slammed his fists against the sink.

  What the hell was wrong with him? He took a deep shuddering breath and opened the medicine cabinet. There on the top shelf -- a pill bottle, almost full, containing anti-depressants prescribed to Connie when she’d complained about feeling down. She’d hardly taken any.

  He poured out all the pills into his palm and filled a glass. He took a breath and downed them.

  He continued rummaging through the cabinet. Hiding behind some bottles was an old tube of lipstick. It slipped from his shaky fingers and slid into the sink. Taking great care, he picked it up again, closed the mirrored cabinet door, and wrote his message.

  The lights blurred. He put down the toilet seat cover and slumped onto the cold plastic. As though moving in a dream, he took off his clothes and folded them neatly, placing them on top of the hamper.

  His daddy’s straight edge razor sat in its case on the tank top. Opening it, he stepped into the tub and sank against the slick surface, lying with his knees bent so he’d fit.

  He thought of the way Connie and Gary had betrayed him. They’d taken his love and turned it to shit.

  He positioned the blade against his wrist.

  * * * * *

  Tzahyad checked his watch and stood. The male had been in the bathing room for an inordinate amount of time. He strode through the bedroom and tried the bathroom door. Locked. Exerting a modicum of his strength, he opened it.

  Blood pooled from the flaccid wrists of the male lying in the tub. His limp cock lay visible between his bent open knees. He appeared to be comatose.

  Tzahyad shook his head. He had no idea why the human had chosen to take his life. Nor did he care.

  The male had ended his feeding. He might as well leave.

  He turned on his heel, unaware of the single tear that seeped from beneath the dying human’s shuttered lids.

  * * * * *

  Patty woke up feeling oddly exhilarated. She figured she’d had a wonderful dream even though she couldn’t remember a thing. She stretched.

  Saturday was usually the busiest day at the bookstore. Today, she’d arranged for Sarah, one of her most loyal customers to close. She’d offered her her pick of a dozen books and Sarah had eagerly agreed.

  She dressed carefully. Maybe tonight she’d finally get lucky and the contestant from last evening would follow through and go home with her.

  She could but hope.

  If so, she’d be ready. She strolled to her chest of drawers and pulled open one of the narrow ones.

  Laying in neat rows were bras of every shade of the rainbow, ranging from skimpy little wisps of lace to wired push-up ones.

  What to wear?

  The thought of some man’s hands cupping her formidable breasts made up her mind.

  The cobweb lace demi-bra, barely there and easily removed. Her nipples hardened, aching to feel some man’s mouth suckling them. One man suckling them. Even more than the handsome men stripping at Real Bad Boys, she dreamed of Tony’s lips on her needy flesh. Not caring that she’d be running late, she knew she’d have to give herself release.

  She let the lace slip from her fingers and knelt by the bed, dragging her box of tricks from underneath.

  She threw back the lid and gasped.

  Her cuffs were gone. She emptied the container.


  Frantic now, fearing she’d lost her mind, she tore off the sheets, threw the pillows onto the floor and heaved a sigh.

  They were there, underneath her pillow.

  How the hell had they gotten there? Could she have cuffed herself in her sleep? And then released herself?

  She must have. There was no other answer.

  Her hands trembling, she repacked the toys with precision, locked the narrow box and shoved it back un
der the bed. Any shred of desire had disappeared.

  Hopefully the rest of her day would hold no more surprises.

  * * * * *

  Connie and Gary worked together in silence for a while after Bill left.

  “Go ahead, say it. I shouldn’t have threatened him.”

  Connie threw down the towel she’d been using to wipe the snack bowls dry. “He’s such a jerk, who wouldn’t be pissed with him. Besides, no one would believe you’d do anything to hurt him. Don’t worry. He’ll go home and fall asleep on the couch. He knows he can’t bully you and you won’t let him bully me.” She put her arms around him and squeezed. “I can’t be anything but grateful to him, you know? If he hadn’t been such an asshole, you never would have told me how you feel. You’re too darn noble.”

  Gary’s hands slipped down to cup her round ass. He drew her closer so she could feel the erection that was pressing against his jeans. “Right now I feel anything but noble. I feel horny as a teenage boy at an Angelina Jolie film festival.”

  Connie snorted. “I’m no Angelina Jolie.”

  Gary kneaded her butt and rubbed his swollen flesh against her crotch. “Damn straight. She’s like a boy with boobs. You’re all woman.” He squeezed. “And all mine.”

  Connie gasped, then sighed, settling into Gary’s arms.

  “I’ve never felt this way before. Cherished, loved.” She paused. “Respected. I love you so much. I can’t wait till we’re free to get married.”

  He cupped her face and gazed into her eyes. “If I had known earlier what a bastard Bill had become I would have gotten you out of there sooner. I’m sorry as hell you had to go through what you did, sweetheart, but it’ll never happen again.”

  She smiled and stood on tiptoe, drawing his face down to hers. “I know and that’s one of the reasons why I love you.”

  She kissed him, letting her lips open for his tongue to enter. Her nipples tightened as she pressed her breasts against his chest. She knew Gary would never hurt her. She trusted him and loved him.

  * * * * *

  “Well, at least this time you came back.”

  Mike whirled. Julie stood in the bedroom door, tapping one bare foot. Dressed in her gaudy striped robe, her hair draped over one breast; she looked adorable.

  She looked pissed.

  “Baby, I didn’t think you’d be up yet. I thought I heard something outside and went to check.”

  She shook her head. “In broad daylight? How long were you gone? And how soon can you leave? This time I’m calling the shots.”

  Mike moved over to her and tried to gather her in his arms. She stepped away.

  “Oh, no. When you hold me, I can’t think straight. You want to talk, do it a few feet away.”

  Mike ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to come up with a legitimate reason for cutting out on her. He sighed. Might as well tell her the truth. It could make his mission easier; it could make it impossible. Would she even believe him?

  “Sit down, sugar. It’s a long story. Promise you’ll listen and won’t interrupt until I’m done.”

  He led her over to the living room sofa and sat opposite her.

  Julie stared at him. She was mad at his sneaking out, but he had come back after all, so she couldn’t be too mad. She figured perhaps he’d gone for a smoke. She hoped to hell he hadn’t gone out back to do drugs. What sort of elaborate excuse could he have?

  “Julie, I’m telling you the truth because your life is in jeopardy and I trust your open-mindedness and strength of character to listen to me without being judgmental.” He paused. “I have no interest in becoming a stripper. I’m a tracer. I work for an organization called Esperience. I’m here because I’m after an alien predator traced to your town who may be one of the men in your contest.”

  Julie stared, too dumbstruck to say a word.

  Taking her silence as a good thing, Mike forged ahead.

  “The creature steals the sexual drive of his prey and sucks it dry, leaving nothing. His victims have killed themselves, been murdered by frustrated lovers and mates. He’s set off planet-wide revolutions and civil wars. No one is safe from him, male or female.”

  He picked up her hand, grateful that she didn’t pull away in disbelief or anger, and prayed that when he finally finished his story she wouldn’t hate him.

  “When I met you, I fell hard. I tried not to let my attraction get out of control, but ... damn it, I couldn’t resist. That’s why I ran out on you the other day. You were right. I should never have made love to you because I put you in grave danger.” He took a deep breath. “You see, Tzahyad, the predator, can discern my essence on you.”

  Julie wrenched her hand from his and stood. “You son of a bitch! If I’m to believe you, you’ve really fucked me! You have a hell of a nerve claiming you care for me!”

  Mike surged to his feet, reaching out for her. Julie swiftly moved to the other side of the armchair, keeping it between them.

  “Julie, there’s no danger from Tzahyad’s sensing our lovemaking. In fact, he can’t even tell we’re here. As soon as I left the office after we made love, I contacted my boss. He transported a device that shields our bodies’ presence. The oil I spread all over us dispels my essence.” He closed the distance between them, standing directly in front of her. If he stretched out his hand, he’d touch her. “But I need to stay near you in case he tries to ferret out who you’ve been with. He’s getting sloppy. I know I’ll get him soon. I went outside now to try to see if I could detect him.”

  Julie shook her head. Too many pieces of information cluttered her brain. First and foremost -- could she believe him? “Do you have proof of this other than what you told me?”

  Mike took her unresisting hand, twining his fingers with hers. “There’s a reason I was assigned to track Tzahyad. We’re similar to a degree.” He stepped around the chair until Julie was almost in his embrace. Raising his hand to her face, he traced her jaw line with a feather-light touch. “If I were to truly lose control when we make love, we would share more than merely our sweat and saliva.” He drew her into his arms, their faces nearly touching, and opened his mouth, letting his fangs drop down. “You see, I’m also not quite of this world, but a parallel one and there, when my race makes love, when they truly bond, they brand each other, share blood and then inject the elixir that runs through their body into each other’s blood. If I did this to you, it would tie us and give you the endurance to make love for hours.”

  His voice deepened, grew darker with seduction. “You have no idea how hard it was last night not to give in and make you mine completely. I ached with it. I ache now.” He bent his head, his lips touching her ear. “I know you believe me. You’d have run by now if you didn’t. You do believe me, don’t you? Tell me you do. Tell me you still want me.”

  His tongue darted out and licked her ear lobe. She shuddered. “Tell me you want to bond with me.” He grasped her soft, lush body closer to him so that she could feel his hard, engorged penis. “I want you right now. Let me make the bond complete.”

  It was as though he cast a spell on her. She nodded and drew her hair away from her neck. She heard the sound of his zipper as he drew it down. Heard his intake of breath just before he sank his fangs into her neck, piercing her skin. She screamed, more from shock than pain.

  She shouldn’t believe him, but how could she not with his fangs gripping her neck?

  It didn’t hurt. Just a sting and then the moisture in his mouth laved the bite. She felt him draw her blood and then the feeling changed and liquid seeped into her blood stream, transfusing it with Mike’s unique essence.

  She moaned.

  As if on cue, he opened her robe and threaded his fingers through the dark curls between her thighs. Delving deeper, he thrust first one then two fingers into her pussy.

  She was wet. Her flesh already plump, her core tingling with desire. She pushed against his cock and he entered her.

  They stood there, Mike slowly pumping her with hi
s prick and pumping her with his body’s elixir. When she could speak, her voice came out breathy. “Faster.”

  Mike retracted his fangs. “Put your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist.” He grinned. “If I move any faster while we’re standing here, we’ll fall down.”

  Julie laughed aloud. This was what making love should be -- full of joy. With Mike supporting her, she rose on tiptoe, embraced his lean hips, and hung on.

  His cock brushing her curls, he carried her back to the bedroom and sat with her on the edge of the bed. Shifting just a bit, he slipped back into her damp core. Her breath hitched as his penis hardened and he began to move. Faster. Harder.

  She arched her back, thrusting her breasts near his mouth. His warm breath gusted against her flesh as his tongue licked the sweat from her skin. The tips of his fangs pricked her areola.

  “Bite me again.”

  “Again? Are you sure? The more my fluid inundates your body, the more we’ll bond.” He brushed a few errant strands of her hair away from her face. “I’ll understand if you ...”

  Taking matters in her own hands, Julie cupped his head and drew it back to her breast.

  “Shut up and bite me.”

  It was even better than before.

  Julie tightened her thighs around his hips. She clutched his head to her bosom and rocked. The elixir drenched her system and she burned. She moved faster, her harsh pants urging Mike to keep up with her.

  She couldn’t catch her breath.

  Mike exulted in Julie’s total surrender. He’d never dreamed he’d meet anyone like her. He clutched her lush hips and plunged harder and faster. Retracting his fangs, he laved the two tiny puncture wounds, lapping the pearly crimson drops.

  The muscles of her sheath clenched his prick, milking him of his essence. She dropped her head and looked into his eyes. It was easy to read the desire and lust in Mike’s gaze. What was more difficult was determining the love.

  Did he love her or was she kidding herself?

  Mike gritted his teeth. Julie’s look was filled with passion. Was there love there, too? He thought so, but if he was misreading her, then, by the stars, he’d give her the best sex, the most mind-blowing orgasms she’d ever have.